Tucker Carlson, others react to Kamala Harris’ acceptance speech: ‘A liar on the deepest level’ (Video)

The left-leaning Washington Post even found plenty of untruths in the presidential candidate’s speech at the Democratic National Convention.

Doug Mainwaring, 8/24

(LifeSiteNews) — Vice President Kamala Harris’s DNC acceptance speech on Thursday night was riddled with outright lies and unwarranted self-congratulation, immediately attracting criticism from Donald Trump, Tucker Carlson, and even The Washington Post.

Harris breezed through her time at the podium eliciting frequent cheers from the Democratic delegates — not a single one of whom had voted for her — for her political pablum and relentless defaming of former President Trump.

‘She’s a liar on the deepest level’

“This woman’s really scary,” said Tucker Carlson, reacting to her speech. Yet “she could easily get elected president.”

“She’s much more skillful than I have ever seen. She’s a liar on the deepest level. The things she is saying right now are not just untrue — they’re the opposite of the truth, which is the hallmark of evil,” Carlson noted.

“She’s an extremist. She’ll say anything. She’s much more like Gavin Newsom than I ever realized,” continued the former Fox News host, who then proceeded to launch into a short litany of her acceptance speech lies:

It wasn’t an armed mob. There was not one person (who) went inside the Capitol with a firearm. Period. The only person who was shot inside the Capitol was an unarmed woman, shot by one of Nancy Pelosi’s bodyguards.

She’s telling us that she fought the cartels to secure the border? She’s the border czar and the border is controlled by the cartels.

She’s saying that Donald Trump will free from prison violent extremists? Meaning, like, 75-year-old lower middle-class women with diabetes?

She endorsed defunding the police and opening the prisons to allow actual criminals out, which is why the crime rate has spiked.

“What she is saying is the mere image of the truth,” Carlson said. “She doesn’t care. She’s got no reference points in the truth, and she’s an extremist.”

“She’s a former prosecutor,” he noted. “They’re scary, they’re liars, and they’re megalomaniacal. They put people in prison for political reasons. She’s one of them.”

“She argued that Donald Trump ‘tried to throw away your vote,’” added Jason Whitlock, Carlson’s guest.

“Didn’t the Democrat Party just throw away all the votes and install her?” he asked.

Bumbling screw-up and colossal failure’

“Months ago, respectable opinion was that Kamala Harris was a joke who should maybe step down. Now, with the same insistence we were told that Joe Biden was ‘sharp,’ we’re told that she’s the face of a joyful future,” Michael Brendan Dougherty said on X.

“Instead of being the bumbling screw-up and colossal failure of five months ago, she is now the front-runner,” he wrote at National Review.

‘She’s lying and lying and lying’

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1 thought on “Tucker Carlson, others react to Kamala Harris’ acceptance speech: ‘A liar on the deepest level’ (Video)”

  1. I didn’t warch Kamala’s speech since all that’s ever issued fron her are lies, obfuscation, and projection – nothing but BS. She’d be a great functionary in a Communist Politburo since that’s all they ever did.

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