1 thought on “TruthXChange Video: Gospel Truth or Pagan Lies?”

  1. What an expertly done exposition!
    So all the secular relativist pagans think they can syncretically synthesize all their disparate personal “truths” into a One World religion? That’s like trying to build a Tower of Babel with everyone speaking a different language.
    The thing is, they’ll never seek the truth and be set free if they don’t even believe that absolute Truth exists.
    Probably many criticisms can be brought against them. One is that none of them fear God. They all think that their Oneist power can grant all their wishes like in fairy tales.
    No, the Divine Master has His own directives, all of which are for their own good and are explained in The Good Book. They are not the masters of their own destiny, God is. They either obey Him and live with Him forever or disobey Him and perish – cast out forever like the bad angels were. That’s the fear of God – that He rewards the good and punishes the wicked.
    We understand of course that repentance of sin is the first requirement for salvation, followed by baptism.
    For Catholics there is also Confirmation – of Truth, not of syncretism, as found in the Nicene Creed for one.

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