Trotsky’s Permanent Revolution in America: The American Soviet System

Never before in the history of the world, has mankind witnessed the magnitude of human suffering, the utter social and familial devastation, and genocide of planetary proportions as has been witnessed by mankind through the actualization of revolutionary Marxist theories and ideologies.

It was during Marxism’s first incarnation as Marxist-Trotskyism that the traditional family and Russia’s Orthodox Christian church, in addition to all of Russia’s other Christian churches, were brutally shattered and destroyed, with priests crucified on church gates and sadistically murdered in other ways. 

Because the family and Christianity were the bedrock of Orthodox Russia, both had to be completely destroyed for Trotsky’s vision of a new social order populated by a collectivized (lacking individuality), gender-fluid New Man.

As a horrified world finally began turning away from Marxism, unrepentant Western world revolutionaries determined to keep Trotsky’s vision of world conquest alive. Conquest would be achieved through a long walk through America’s institutions (1) and application of Trotsky’s theory of ˜Permanent Revolution.”

In America, anti-Christ revolutionaries coalesced into a new movement during the 1960s. They called themselves the New Left.

Beginning with Lenin’s atheist premise, “God is dead, and according to Darwin’s theory of evolution, humans are only stupid, soulless animals, much like dogs that can be trained and manipulated under the right conditions and with the right inducements,” the New Left and its supporters began infiltrating and taking control of America’s Christian and culture-shaping ‘idea producing’ institutions. Their goal was to psychologically manipulate Americans into committing spiritual, cultural, political, and ultimately demographic suicide. This would be achieved through psycho-politics, the sinister science of psychological manipulation.

The multifaceted attack began in America as it had in Russia under Lenin, Stalin, and Trotsky with attacks upon the Lord our God, Christianity, God’s created order, and the traditional one man, one-woman family.

Before long, the notion that marriage, domesticity and family are types of slavery began to be heard. Seductive temptations such as free love (promiscuity), porn, and consciousness-altering drugs were held out to husbands and fathers while the ears of wives and mothers were filled with the poisonous notion that they were sex-slaves to their husbands.  Liberation and personal fulfillment, it was suggested, were to be found outside the home in the workplace. Easy divorce, abortions on demand, and plenty of daycare centers, it was insinuated, were necessary to achievement of liberation and self-fulfillment. 

Government-controlled schools helpfully offered various social programs, including feeding programs.

Two poisonous ideas, that ˜unisex is cool’ and the existence of multiple races rather than one human race were smoothly slotted into position. This was eventually followed by the idea that sodomy was the same thing as having black skin or being Irish or Italian. All who commit sodomy, it was inferred, are a ‘species’ or ‘race’ of people who ought to have the same rights as other races. It was slyly intimated that this new species or race is called ‘gay.’

The word ˜pride’ became attached to everything about the new race of differently gendered humans. Through judicial chicanery, sodomy laws were declared unconstitutional and struck down, thus awarding the new ‘race’ of gender-fluid humans with the right to engage in sodomy. This race of humans “ought to have the right to marry and have children (even though they cannot procreate)”, we were told to believe.

Then very quietly, so no one would notice, the word ‘gay’ acquired an expanded meaning, ‘sexual continuum,’ thereby slyly legitimizing Drag Queens, sado-masochism, lesbianism, pedophilia, pederasty, and paraphilia’s (sexual arousal to objects, fantasies, children, and babies).

Almost immediately, the newly expanded definition was redefined to polymorphous, also known as androgynous or transgender, thus bringing us full circle to unisex. The gospel of unisex (also known as queer theory) began to be taught in America’s universities. It crept into lower schools disguised as safe school and sex education programs. Soon little boys in some schools were being coaxed into wearing dresses.

“All of the very best people, the most forward-looking, progressively enlightened, tolerant, scientific, Darwinian, and broadminded type of people support the ˜gay’ civil rights movement while only backwards, superstition-believing Christians and trailer trash holding fast to guns and Bibles don’t” we were instructed to believe.  “These latter are hateful bigots who ought to be forced into sensitivity and diversity training programs and punished by having hate-crime laws imposed upon them,” Trotskyites suggested.

Along with the growth of these new ideas, a ‘peace and justice’ movement sprang to life. ‘Imperialist wars for oil’, we were advised to believe, ‘are the world’s greatest evils.’ 

Therefore, returning American vets deserved to be spat upon and accused of being baby killers and sadomasochists. Movies were churned out depicting our soldiers as drug-crazed murderers. America’s compliant mass media (new Pravda) happily furthered these destructive messages.

“Christianity played no part in the founding of our nation and our Founders, being mostly atheists and deists, feared and loathed religion, and Christianity in particular,” Trotskyite history revisionists brazenly lied.

Aggressive campaigns to eradicate loathsome Christianity were launched. One was for the purpose of psychologically manipulating American dupes into accepting communist agitprop such as racial and gender justice, sustainability, redistribution of wealth, social justice, intersectionality, systemic white racism, and the religion of ‘woke.’ The other was for the removal of America’s historic statues and Christian statues and symbols in tandem with outrageous attempts at terrorizing Constitution-supporting Americans and Christians into disappearing into the woodwork, a project being carried out today by the Marxist trained Black Lives Matter organization and Antifa in Democrat controlled cities.

“A multicultural America and open borders are very good things for our democracy,” trumpeted deceitful revolutionary Leftists. Thus, the poison of nation-destroying communist multiculturalism and open borders was injected into America’s culture and politics. Along with it came other poisonous, destructive toxins: political correctness, speech codes, hate crime laws, diversity, sensitivity training, abortion as choice, euthanasia, and open borders agendas.

Weaving in and through this toxic brew has been the steady drumbeat of ‘America is bad. America is a fount of evil. America is corrupt. America deserves to be punished.’ In tandem with the poisonous drumbeat has been a malevolent whisper campaign to sow seeds of discord: envy, victimization, suspicion, fear, hatred, and distrust.

It has taken about forty years for the revolutionary Left and fellow travelers to bring America to its current level of disunity, decay, debauchery, breakdown, mob violence, and chaos. In Bolshevik Russia, by contrast, all of these things occurred with terrifying speed and deadly consequences.

Under Lenin, Stalin, and Trotsky, marriage was simply abolished and the family crushed. Divorce was made easy; abortions were free, and free love of every perverse appetite abounded. When asked, “Is Bolshevism deliberately destroying the family?” Trotsky emphatically responded, ‘yes.’ (Family Relations Under the Soviets, Leon Trotsky, 1934;

Why destroy the traditional family? Karl Kautsky explained, ‘communism tries to convert its community into a new family, the presence of the traditional family tie is a disturbing influence.‘ The utopian society, in other words, is to be one big commune where a brotherhood of soulless gender-fluid robots have anonymous sex with anonymous partners. Children, if not aborted, will be raised in State incubators. (

Towards this end, it was seen as necessary to try and destroy sexual polarity (the two sexes) and condition mankind to accept the idea of androgyny, or transgender as it is called today.

Toward this goal, Bolsheviks tore down “the walls that divided homosexuality from the rest of society.” (People of the Moonlight, 

New Soviet legislation was “tolerant, diverse and inclusive.” It stressed that “all forms of sexual gratification should be treated the same way as natural.” (The War to End all Wars,

Trotsky’s Bolsheviks brutally crushed the Christian church and killed millions of Christians. Before the Revolution, 83.4 percent of the population identified as Christian. The revolution from hell murdered some sixty million people, while sixty-six million were sent to prisons and labor camps. At least half of these were Christians.

As revealed by the Library of Congress:

The Soviet Union was the first state to have as an ideological objective the elimination of religion…the communist regime confiscated church property, ridiculed religion, harassed believers, and propagated atheism in the schools. The main target was the Russian Orthodox Church. Nearly all of its clergy, and many of its believers were shot or sent to labor camps.” (Revelations from the Russian Archives, Library of Congress).

Under Lenin, Stalin, and Trotsky, the State took control of millions of children. About half were orphaned due to the revolution and the famine. The other half however, were orphaned as a direct consequence of inhumane dekulakization and collectivization schemes in combination with determined efforts at destroying the family.

Confiscated children were crowded into deplorable state-run Detdoma (schools) and their minds poisoned with atheism, hatred of the Lord our God, hatred of their own parents, hatred of their own country, Darwinism, obscene sex education, and values-free teaching. 

This idealized ‘New Man,’ which communist planners thought to create, turned out to be monsters. Russian citizens, wearied and angered by Detdoma monsters, reacted with shouts of “Beasts!” “Damned hooligans!” “Damned bandits!” “They should be destroyed!”  The Chairman of the Baku Children’s Commission characterized them as “robbers, hooligans, and murderers, impossible to mold into human beings.” Another official said they “will never become human beings; everyone will end up in Solovoki (labor camp).” (And Now My Soul is Hardened: Abandoned Children in Soviet Russia, 1918-1930, Alan M. Ball)

Stalin, though one of history’s greatest mass-murderers, did at least try to revive the family and put an end to Russia’s epidemic of crime and debauchery.

Toward this end, he all but ended divorce and abortion. Sodomy, pedophilia, prostitution, and homosexuality were criminalized at the stroke of a pen and decrees promulgated aimed at “bringing to justice, and punishing with the full force of law, any adolescent older than twelve who is convicted of burglary, acts of violence, grievous bodily harm, mutilation, or murder.” Courts were secretly advised that the full force of law included the death penalty. (The Black Book of Communism, p. 177)

On March 8, 1983 President Reagan delivered his famous evil empire speech at the Annual Convention of the National Association of Evangelicals. He said,

The Soviet system has purposely starved, murdered, and brutalized its own people. Millions were killed; it’s all right there in the history books. It put citizens it disagreed with into psychiatric hospitals, drugging them into oblivion. Is this system that allowed this not evil?” (

Marxist revolutionary politics together with its brutal ideology and dehumanizing Darwinian system is indeed evil, and since the end of WW II has been stealthily working its evil right here in America. With the White House now controlled by Biden, revolutionaries and their evil-minded cohort within academia, Hollywood, school boards, certain pulpits, and mass media brazenly brand white people as systemic racists and domestic terrorists while Conservatives and Christians are cast as mentally ill. Likewise, and just as happened in Russia, America’s revolutionary controlled Detdoma (upper and lower schools) are churning out monsters. 

How is it that large numbers of Americans cannot see this evil even when it twists and perverts their own children into hating their own parents, hating the Lord our God, and their own country? Or when the American Detdoma churns out sociopaths, sex predators, and murderers such as the Columbine killers? It is as if millions of Americans are sleep walking to their doom. Wake up, Americans! Trotsky’s Permanent Revolution from hell is nearly complete.

Additional Resources:

  1. The Collected Works of Charles Colson
  2. Cultural Marxism, Linda Kimball

Linda writes on worldview and related subjects.

Originally published in 2006, this is an updated and expanded version

2021© Linda Kimball