The Unwitting Confessions of Karl Marx, Bakunin, and a Communist Newspaper

In our contemporary secularized post-Christian society atheists and fellow travelers imagine they stand atop an intellectual high ground that allows them to scoff, mock, curse, ridicule Christians, and contemptuously spew something like this:

Religion is the greatest scam of all mankind. Created by political swindlers and religious hustlers to control and keep a weak-minded population in line with fictitious consequences for failure to be obedient and lack of respect for authority by way of false promises and exaggerated claims. Pray all you want, you’ll never be heard as there has never been anyone at the other end. Religion is for those who have no answers, arguments, and can no longer think for themselves.

So do atheists really occupy the intellectual high ground? Absolutely not. How wrong are they in their beliefs?   So wrong they actually stand on the distorted side of the Looking Glass opposite truth and reality.

 Among the men responsible for their intellectually and morally bankrupt Looking Glass beliefs are Karl Marx and Bakunin.  A careful reading of the following quotes will reveal this truth in the unwitting confessions of Marx, Bakunin, and the Communist newspaper, Vetchernaia Moskva:

Our war is against God and the world created by Him, declared Karl Marx, father of the Communist Manifesto. In his poem, “The Pale Maiden” he admits he has willfully opted for Hell: “Thus heaven I’ve forfeited; I know it full well; My soul, once true to God; Is chosen for hell.” (Marx & Satan, Richard Wurmbrand, p. 22)

“The Evil One is the satanic revolt against divine authority….Socialists recognize each other by the words, “In the name of the one to whom a great wrong has been done….Satan (is) the eternal rebel, the first freethinker and the emancipator of worlds.” (Mikhail Bakunin, comrade of Marx, ibid, p. 27)

“We do not fight against believers (or) even clergymen….We fight against God to snatch believers from Him.” (Vetchernaia Moskva, a Communist newspaper, Wurmbrand, p.77)

What Marx has confessed to is the existence of the supernatural dimension (heaven) which exists outside of the cosmos as well as to the supernatural God Who really does exist and Who created the world with the awesome creative power of His Word–not Darwinism or dialectical materialism, which are inventions of the imaginations of ideological systematizing antichrists.  

Marx further confesses to the reality of his God-given soul as well as to the reality of hell. Then he confesses to the reality of his free will allowing him to choose between God and heaven or the evil one and hell.  Because of his irrational hatred of Jesus Christ he freely chose hell, and is no doubt very much alive at this moment there in hell.

Next are the confessions of Bakunin who unwittingly confesses to the existence of the Evil One (Satan), the reality of eternity (in either heaven or hell). By his own confession Bakunin admits that Satan really does exist and is the leader of the revolt against the Divine Authority of God, who also exists.  Implied within Bakunin’s confession is the reality of the pits of hell where Satan, the one to whom a great wrong has been done, currently dwells.

The Communist newspaper confesses that the revolt of the godless (who have chosen Satan) is against the supernatural God Who really exists.

What the bombastic presumptions of atheism add up to is this:  What they profess to believe about the supernatural God, prayer, and Christianity is the exact opposite of  truth and reality, and is thereby intellectually and morally bankrupt.   Atheists, and not Christians, are the ones who have been taken in by Big Lies.  

By the admissions of Marx, Bakunin, and Vetchernaia Moskva, the supernatural God is not dead, therefore immutable truth exists as does His moral law. Heaven, which is in the 3rd heaven outside of the cosmos exists. God spoke and called creation into existence, making Darwinism a lie. The souls of humans exist, making the nonsense that man is a fleshy robot just what it is–nonsense. Free will exists. Satan exists, Hell exists.

Now a choice lies before atheists:  choose truth, salvation, and immortality through Jesus Christ or choose to continue on with lies and go where Marx is–for eternity.


2 thoughts on “The Unwitting Confessions of Karl Marx, Bakunin, and a Communist Newspaper”

  1. I can’t recall ever knowing anyone as deranged as the Commie founders mentioned above. They’d most likely be found today in an institution for the criminally insane. Their followers will likely merit a sanitarium as well.
    These malevolent followers of Satan have become really bad men, having stepped outside of Justice or any known laws. They have no good will toward anyone, beginning with their Creator God.
    They will want to construct a Satanic kingdom of evil, dedicated to the nihilistic proposition that all men zeroes equally.

  2. Of course! I just realized that those insane persons who evade an institution for the criminally insane make their way to another institution called … government. They’re cunning enough to do that. It’s from that vantage point that they can do their misbegotten will.
    The Democrat Leftists have many such lawless conscienceless individuals. The Republicans have some too.

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