The Spirit of Original Sin came to life during the Renaissance when Christians at the highest levels of church and society rejected Jesus Christ in favor of ‘eating from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil.” Since they already knew Good, they consumed the knowledge of evil—you can be as gods possessed of the knowledge of how to create a godless New World Order (through destruction of the old Christian order) and likewise create a New Man, a soulless, gender-free product of Darwinism.
From this leaven, there followed genocidal Communism and its New Man, Nazi Socialism and its New Man, both of them grounded in Darwinism and materialism.
Now in our age, the Spirit of Original Sin resides in anti-Christ Globalism, Luciferianism, Transhumanism, Darwinism (anti-Christ, anti-creation account) and materialism (all that exists is matter and energy).
Yes, there’s no doubt that Man’s sheer vanity and vainglorious imaginations puff them up into thinking they can be what they were never meant to be. They’re the misbegotten sons of Satan.
It is fascinating that the original satanic promise echoes through the ages in all our ears “you shall be like god”…….the temptation for every human being to usurp God rather than serve Him, is as “fresh” today as the day it was uttered…….like the crispest juiciest apple to the starving sinner, it looks and sounds delicious but in the end you end up with a mouth full of gravel