The Revolutionary Spirit of Change Working Through Westerners and Undiscerning Christians

We are not in an age of change, but a change of age.

We are amid a 500-year historical geo-political inflection point. The world as we have known it is changing, so profoundly that our histories going forward are going to be altered.

We are not talking here about the accumulation of incremental changes, but the wholesale changes of assumptions, global actors, and personal experiences. We are facing a paradigm shift–the likes of the fall of Rome (475 AD), the collapse of Constantinople (1453 AD), and Luther at the Diet of Worms (1521 AD). ”  (A Change of Age: America and the West Stand at a Civilizational Inflection Point, John Seel, PH.D., 8/24)

Nietzsche, the self-described antichrist, forecast the change of age the West and America are undergoing.  The age of Christianity, said the antichrist, and all that has been built upon it (the worldview), will change now that Christ is dying in the hearts of Westerners.  

The revolutionary change away from the Christian worldview can be seen all around us.   It is in everything from the obscenity of our speech to the breakdown of traditional procreative marriage to the loss of unchanging truth, common manners and virtues, to the widespread use of porn and the acceptance and affirmation of ‘choice,’ anal sodomy, and dehumanizing ideologies such as Darwinism.   

In the past we owned very little in way of clothing, nevertheless, we wore to church whatever was our very best item of clothing—always clean, pressed, and patched if necessary– as a sign of respect to the Lord and brothers and sisters in Christ.  Today however, though closets are generally full of clothes and shoes it is all too common for some pastors and laypeople to deliberately choose to wear to the Lord’s House the rattiest clothes in their closets.   In this they march in unison with the overall slovenly, unclean dress of multitudes of unbelievers.

This is but one sign of the revolutionary spirit to change working through undiscerning Christians.    


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