The Return of the Divine Temporal Sphere, Baal, Transgender and Why Christians are Exiles in Modern Babylon

The return to Babylon presupposes the re-divinization of man and society. In this ancient way of viewing reality, the cosmos is god (the androgynous divine One Substance, Divine Mens, Super Consciousness, etc), earth is Goddess Gaia, the totalitarian State is likewise divine, earthly rulers are divine representatives, or Baals, of ‘god’ (Divine Mens, etc), evil is the other side of good, and the sexual ideal is the two-in-one, meaning transgender. In this way of thinking about reality, everything–including all humans—belong to divine Baals to keep or dispose of as they see fit.

In “The New Science of Politics,” Eric Voegelin details the clash between various types of truth and ways of viewing reality in the Roman Empire that ended with the victory of Christianity:

“The fateful result of this victory was the de-divinization of the temporal sphere of power.” (Antichrist: The Fulfillment of Globalization, G.M. David, PHD, p. 120)

By successfully de-divinizing the ancient earthly manifestation of divine order, pagan reality was turned upside down, Christ’s Church became the sole representation of the Kingdom of God on earth, the sexual ideal was man and woman, and so long as Christ’s Church remained orthodox and effective in society, earthly powers could not lay claim to divine representation on earth.

The new pagan totalitarian empires of the 20th century were made possible by so-called ‘scientific’ materialist Darwinism, an inverted new pagan origin account that supplanted the Genesis account. Darwinism opened the door to the proclamation of the death of the Christian God, which led to the faltering and apostatizing of Christ’s Church. These successes made possible the reversal and inversion of the Christian success, thereby resulting in the triumphant re-divinization of the temporal sphere and man.

The declared ownership of earth and all human and animal genetic matter by Global Powers is the triumphant declaration of the re-divinization of earth and of global powers, the new Divine Kings (Transhumans).

Baal has returned, earth is Goddess, everything belongs to divinized Baal’s (Klaus Schwab, Bill Gates, banker families), good is also evil, the sexual ideal is transgender, and today’s Christians are exiles in Babylon.


1 thought on “The Return of the Divine Temporal Sphere, Baal, Transgender and Why Christians are Exiles in Modern Babylon”

  1. This may be true for those who are intellectual enough to imagine that they’re self-anointed enough to possess Divine Rights and be more than they can be.
    But for the rest who don’t think that, I’d say they just see an opportunity to seize power and want to be a power player in a high stakes game.

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