The Progressive Satanic Revolt and the West’s and America’s Theological Crisis

Haters of God, 2 Tim. 3:2

Our war is against God and the world created by Him, declared Karl Marx, father of the Communist Manifesto. In his poem, “The Pale Maiden” he admits that he has willfully opted for Hell:

“Thus heaven I’ve forfeited; I know it full well; My soul, once true to God; Is chosen for hell.” (Marx & Satan, Richard Wurmbrand, p. 22)

“The Evil One is the satanic revolt against divine authority….Socialists recognize each other by the words, “In the name of the one to whom a great wrong has been done….Satan (is) the eternal rebel, the first freethinker and the emancipator of worlds.” (Mikhail Bakunin, comrade of Marx, ibid, p. 27)

“We do not fight against believers (or) even clergymen….We fight against God to snatch believers from Him.” (Vetchernaia Moskva, a Communist newspaper, ibid,p.77)

The Satanic revolt, like orthodox Christian faith is a movement of spirit having its taproot and energy in Satan, the father of lies and envy, the author of rebellion, and the revelator of secrets.

Satanic revolt is war against the Trinity…the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, which in Bakunin’s words are the “cursed and fatal principle of authority.” Thus it proclaims the reign of nothingness, though a nothingness nevertheless pregnant with the expectation of fulfillment in the revelation, and finally the actual presence, of evil personified….the dark Lord of this world.

The sentiment of the revolt is Satanic pride:

” which spurns subjection to any master whatever, whether of divine or human origin.” (Bakunin, Nihilism: The Root of the Revolution of the Modern Age, Fr. Seraphim Rose, p. 63)

The nature of the Satanic revolt is the antithesis of the Christian faith. Whereas Christian faith is love of God, love of brother, joy, patience, truth, humbleness, perseverance, submission in all things to the Will of God, and blessed eternal life, the Satanic counterfeit is seething hatred of God and brother, lies, skepticism, sophistry, revulsion, burning envy, impatience, jealousy, rebelliousness, blasphemy, and eternal life in Hell.

Fueled by dissatisfaction with self, the world, society, and God, it devotes its’ infernal energy toward “hope and change,” or as Marx put it, toward the destruction of everything that exists.

The Satanic revolt intends both the destruction of the Christian-based Old Order and the establishment of something new, because:

“The idea of God is the keynote of a perverted civilization. It must be destroyed.” (Karl Marx, Marx and Satan, p. 59)

In the religious order it intends to fully possess the Christian faith and refashion it completely. The Satanic revolt will not stop until every vestige of faith in the God of the Bible has been obliterated in every heart. Every man, woman, and child will experience a counter-conversion…a Satanic Initiation in the words of New Age insider David Spangler… to a new faith, an anti-gospel preached by anti-saints from the void.

By the turn of the century Pope Pius X noted with alarm that progressive “thinking” was taking hold of the contemporary mind, and in that way taking possession of Western civilization. The Pope defined progressivism as “Modernism” and said its major doctrine is evolution. In 1907 he declared it a heresy in the encyclical, ‘Pascendi Dominici Gregis.” (“The Heresy of Modernism…seriously,” Churchmouse Campanologist, May 26, 2009)

The Pope noted that Modernist “Christian” heretics were claiming that Christ is in us (pantheist monism) and that through evolution (serpent energy) an immanentist Christ-force progressed and/or “emanated from nature spontaneously and of itself.” 

Since evolution implies continuous change, becoming, and/or progress, anti-supernatural “Christian” heretics claim that the eternally unchanging truths of the supernatural God do not exist, therefore there is nothing immutable in the Bible or the Church….or for that matter in Americas’ Declaration of Independence, Constitution, Bill of Rights and Rule of Law. All are subject to change, for in that satanic monism conceptually dissolves the living, transcendent Christ into nature, everything becomes imaginatively infused with impersonal divine spirit, power, intent, determinism (fate), and motion. Thus claim heretics, religion itself lives and evolves, and “must in fact be changed.”

“Christian” change-agents further claim that all religions and belief systems are true because the satanic divine-force suffuses and energizes all things. By extension of this satanic reasoning, Gaia is alive, and Gnosticism, Satanism, Wicca, Theosophy, Luciferianism, and Sharia are true. This is syncretism (moral relativism), the uniting of good and evil, truth and lie, the holy and the unholy. R.J. Rushdoony writes:

“Now syncretism is destructive of the human mind, of rationality…(A) man who wants to unite good and evil…has lost the capacity for clear thinking. His mind is darkened, clouded, fuzzed over, and incompetent….Man, by presuming to be god, has by that act destroyed the possibility of true thinking; from so radically false a premise, no valid conclusion can follow.” (“Why Is Rick Warren Waffling?” Lee Duigon, Chalcedon)

Satanic Revolt: America’s Theological Crisis

Peter Jones, author of “Spirit Wars: Pagan Revival in Christian America” connects progressive Christian Liberalism to ancient devilish Gnosticism, saying they are kindred-spirits. He points to progressive Liberalism as the carrier of the occult spiritual virus (satanic revolt) into the Body of the Church where it acts to divide Christians against each other.

In her Washington Times article, “Beware: Hell Exists, There’s No Christianity without Sin, Death, and the Resurrection,” Janice Crouse also addressed America’s growing theological crisis, noting that the Evangelical Church has become divided against itself. Citing “Evangelicals Divided,” in First Things, she wrote:

“First Things warns, “If evangelical theology…does not exercise the kind of intellectual humility required by Traditionalism, it will not survive…it will risk disintegrating into ever more subjectivist and individualistic sects, many of them neither evangelical nor orthodox.”

Albert Mohler, President of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary addressed this crisis in his book, “The Disappearance of God.” There is a growing chasm, notes Mohler. On one side are the traditionalists and on the other, the self-autonomous contemporary church, which defines itself over and against Traditionalism, or authentic Christianity.

Authentic Christianity is very narrowly defined. Mohler wrote that all Christians across a vast denominational range who hold fast to the fundamental doctrines are Authentic Christians while all who do not are not by definition Christian. Fundamental doctrines are:

“The Trinity (including full deity and humanity of Jesus Christ); the authenticity of Scripture (the Revealed Word of God); the Incarnation (death, burial, resurrection); justification by faith; sin (humanities willful revolt against God the Father); the traditional doctrine of Hell, and the absolute sovereignty of God the Father.” (Psalm 1)

The contemporary church is strongly attracted to the anti-supernatural modern kind of Christianity proposed by the Emerging Church, whose leaders include Brian McLaren, Rick Warren, and Rob Bell. The spirit of Modernist heresy energizes the Emergent Church, and the contemporary mind embraces its’ pseudo-theology and is therefore uncomfortable with fundamental doctrine, said Mohler. It prefers “change” “progress” “novelty” “tolerance” “inclusion” and “feelings,” especially whatever “feels good.” It rejects authority and discipline and wants humanistic feel-good messages and diversionary entertainment rather than expository sermons and sound teaching. Since its’ deity is a dead-god of “all-inclusive love” it never speaks of wrath and judgment, hence hell, sin, and repentance are not just unwelcome, but are in fact “intolerable” to the self-autonomous contemporary mind, noted Mohler.

The anti-supernatural modernist theology of the Emergent Church has much in common with New Age spirituality.

New Age spirituality relies heavily on spirit revelations channeled through Helena Blavatsky, Alice Bailey, Muller, Marx Hubbard, and Neale Donald Walsh. Lee Penn, author of “False DawnThe United Religions Initiative, Globalism, and the Quest for a One-World Religion” notes that all together revelations from the dark side form a comprehensive anti-Gospel setting forth a progressive vision of spiritualized totalitarianism that includes:

1. Praise for Lucifer as the light-bearer and giver of wisdom.

2. Proclaiming that we humans are gods and that death is not real

3. Advocacy for extreme population control, including eugenics and euthanasia

4. Utter contempt for traditional religions — with concentrated scorn directed at Judaism, evangelical Protestantism, and Roman Catholicism

5. Forecasting a pending (and for them, desirable) “selection” of mankind, in which the progressives enter the New Age and the reactionaries face extinction. For the New Age Apostles of “progressive” Social Darwinism, these casualties are a necessary price to pay for human evolution.”
 (ibid, p. 7)

Speaking through Marx Hubbard, her spirit guide “Christ” prophesied in 1995 that the Rider of the Pale Horse will use the “sword” as one of his means to “kill those who choose to remain self-centered.” (ibid, p. 322)

Further Revelations from the spirits of this world

Speaking through Alice Bailey, the demon Djwhal Khul predicted back in the 1940s that the spiritual hierarchy would:

“bring to an end the long silence which has persisted since Atlantean days,” and “renew an ancient sharing of secrets.” Thus “in the immediate future,” the spirit “Masters will walk openly among men…openly guiding and directing the affairs of humanity.” (False Dawn, p. 262)

From the spirit-channeled revelations called Course in Miracles taught to the spirit-revelations of Neale Donald Walsh, spirits going by a variety of names are indeed speaking and “sharing secrets”….in local bookstores and right on TV.

“Masters will walk openly among men….”

From the Royal Society (the national academy of science in the UK) and NASA, to the European Space Agency, the UN office for Outer Space Affairs, and to the Vatican’s progressive astronomers, excited discussions abound, all centered upon the existence of highly evolved Space Brothers (aliens) and their anticipated arrival here on earth. Lord Martin Rees, President of the Royal Society announced that aliens may be “staring us in the face” in a form unrecognizable to humans. (Official Disclosure: Prepare for Contact, Donna Anderson)

Longtime ET-believing UFO researchers however, are no longer excited but alarmed. Their research shows that modern alien abductions resemble ancient stories of demons. The similarity was not lost on UFO research-scientist John Keel:

“Demonology is not just another crackpot-ology. It is the ancient and scholarly study of the monsters and demons who have…coexisted with man throughout history….The manifestations and occurrences described in this imposing literature are similar, if not..identical, to the UFO phenomenon. Victims of demonomania(possession) suffer the very same medical and emotional symptoms as the UFO contactees…” (Alien Intrusion: UFOs and the Evolution Connection, Gary Bates, p. 260)

The Ruler of this World and His Inverted Spirituality

Where there is no God there is no truth, and the rebellious will reigns instead. But “the will” said Dostoevsky with his acute insight into the revolutionary mentality, “is the closest to nothing; the most assertive are closest to the most nihilistic.”

Having murdered in excess of 160,000,000 men, women and children, the satanic Communist and National Socialist regimes of the 20th century provided a foretaste of the planetary horrors waiting to be unleashed by Global Luciferianism while the widespread rebelliousness, lawlessness, near universal corruption, and nihilistic barbarianism of the present day are further portents in the evolution saturated post-Christian West and America.

Behind the progressive satanic revolt is Satan. He is Yaldabaoth, mother/father, Lucifer, genetic creator of man, first free thinker, Cybele, Moloch, the dread lord lifted up as the christ within. Satan is the one by which :

“Socialists recognize each other by the words, “In the name of the one to whom a great wrong has been done….Satan (is) the eternal rebel, the first freethinker and the emancipator of worlds.”

All who hope to enter the New Age will have to receive his mark and be infernally sealed for all eternity.

Something is happening:

“People no longer know what they have lost, much less that they themselves are lost….The landscape is changing, the skies are darkening — and this is something we know with a… spiritual sense, a spiritual urgency.” (Albert Mohler, The Disappearance of God, p. 158)

The Lord our God is convicting Westerners and Americans of their evil.

A vigorous shaking and threshing is going on. Something is happening that “we as believers in the Lord Jesus Christ should see and understand,” warns Mohler.  “For we cannot say that we were not warned.” (Joel 2:30-32)


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