The Global Beast and Lesser Deepstate Beast

The thoroughly evil and perverted Global Beast perpetrating the global warming fraud, in addition to many other perversities, relies on the lesser but equally evil and perverted Global Deep State Beast to carry out its marching orders.  The Deep State Beast is the mouthpiece and hands of the Global Beast.

Both Beasts are allies of Islamism for two reasons. First, both groups desire their own worldly kingdom. Second, both Beasts and Islamists see the enemies of their common enemy (USA) as their friend. Of course the friendship ends once the common enemy has been crushed.

In the meantime, the Deep State Beast allows Islamist terrorists (as well as homegrown terrorists like the BLM) free reign in our homeland because unrelenting fear renders most people unable to think straight, and so they panic and look for someone to save them, someone like the Deep State Beast.
