The Glazov Gang: Shocking Revelations on Bill and Hillary’s Body Count List (Video)

The Glazov Gang, 6/24

1 thought on “The Glazov Gang: Shocking Revelations on Bill and Hillary’s Body Count List (Video)”

  1. I’ve heard stories too that Bill and Hillary’s political ambitions didn’t exclude ordering assassinations.
    I read one report years ago, it’s sketchy now as to its particulars, that when Bill was governor of Arkansas, he was importing illegal drugs by air. In one instance he went to an airstrip to receive the contraband. When he was seen by an employee there I think it was, he ordered him “offed”, probably “suicided”. I can’t verify that but I wouldn’t doubt it.
    I read Bill was a Rhodes scholar at the same time that Tommy Lee Jones was. That makes him a criminal mastermind I’d say, and Hillary played a supporting role.

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