Roy Hazelwood was one of the original profilers at the Behavioral Science Unit when it was first developed at Quantico. He served with the FBI for twenty-two years, taught courses at the Academy, the University of Virginia, the University of Pennsylvania, the U. S. Military Police CID, and Southern Police Institute. As well he was a board-certified forensic examiner and commentator who appeared as an expert on criminal investigations on numerous radio and television shows.
In his book, “Dark Dreams” Hazelwood discusses an infinite number of deviant sexual behaviors and different combinations of sexual behaviors and dark fantasies that can be merged into a single crime. In the chapter titled, “The Infinity of Darkness” he examines the role that dark fantasy plays in sexual crimes and how offenders act out those fantasies using wives, girlfriends, and other human prey as well as inanimate objects. (1)
Other chapters deal with bringing the fantasy to reality in various criminal activities such as sexual sadism, serial murder, serial rape and, of course, profiling of possible prey.
One of his favorite chapters is titled “Am I God?” It deals with the role of malignant narcissism in sexual crimes and with one particular criminal who wrote a lengthy manuscript in which he described four murders in detail. Because of his power over life and death, he questioned whether or not he was God.
Hazelwood observes that most successful sexual sadists are narcissists, who like the sadistic criminal elements ruling over our nation and over the world, believe they are superior to society in general and law enforcement in particular. They come to believe they can’t get caught, so they engage in greater and greater risk taking. This serves two purposes: to prove they are superior and to maintain the “high” they get from committing crimes.
As a Christian, Hazelwood’s profound insight into the mind of sexual sadists is grounded in Augustine’s teachings on sin and his view of man as the spiritual image-bearer of the Holy Triune God.
According to Augustine sin does not originate in the brain but in the intellect (spirit). Thus, all sin is first and foremost of a spiritual nature.
Hazelwood studied Augustine’s writings where he discusses the five, mainly spiritual, steps that men and women take to act in sinful ways. First, sin originates in the intellect (spirit), then moves to the senses for approval. Third, the consequences are considered, then the will makes a decision to act, and finally, the intellect rationalizes the behavior.
Hazelwood realized that if he replaced the word ‘sin’ with the word ‘crime’ he could apply it to his work and lectures:
“The sexual criminal fantasizes about a criminal act, and if the idea is pleasing to his senses, touch, sight, etc. he considers the consequences of what might happen and then decides to act. Finally, he rationalizes his behavior for having committed the crime…I wouldn’t have done it if…”
Hazelwood adds that:
“…sexual fantasy is nothing more than the mental imagery of a desired event. You conjure up in your mind something you want to do. Fortunately for society, most of us do not act on those fantasies. Yet some do, with horrendous results.”
Sexual sadism originates in the spirit. Thus, Hazelwood discounts current criminal reform treatment programs grounded in pagan materialism that reject the existence of spirit/soul such as the Darwinian idea that man is an evolved soulless ape with a fleshy brain (no spirit) whose identity is fully determined by ‘gay’ genetic matter, black genetic matter, or white genetic matter. In today’s wicked atheist materialist society, all manner of social ills and evils are attributed to ‘soulless apes’ determined by white genetic matter. To them are assigned such social ills as systemic racism, homophobia, transphobia, and other evils. Hazelwood also rejects Freuds’ fatalistic materialist explanation that anger, perversion, rage, jealousy, hatred, envy, and other destructive, murderous impulses are caused by chemical changes in the brain, genetic neurological predispositions and social factors in upbringing.
The truth about sexual sadism is that it is a spiritual sin freely chosen for “immediate gratification” said Hazelwood, adding that he once asked a serial rapist,
“If the death penalty was the punishment for your crime, would you still have committed the offense?’ He told me that he would have.”
Sexual sadism, said Hazelwood, is a rationalized willful choice that goes back to,
”…the idea that there are no absolutes, the infinity of darkness.”
Sexual sadism belongs to the criminal category known today as psychopathy. Psychopaths are self-centered, loveless, without remorse, and said to be conscienceless, meaning their conscience is so depraved and seared it is in effect dead. As conscience is a component of spirit, talk-therapy, medications, brain drugs and other reform methods are unable to cleanse and reawaken conscience.
Psychopaths are extraordinarily manipulative, and because they hold other people in contempt, as do Americas Deep State, Hollywood pedophiles, and Western Global Luciferian pedophiles, they freely use people, especially children for purposes of self-gratification and perverse sexual-gratification. This why the glue that holds global ‘elites’ together is raping children then handing them over to organ harvesters. (Raping Children is the Glue Holding Global Elites Together, Alex Jones on X)
Other common characteristics include: moral relativism (no absolutes), sense of entitlement, parasitism, bullying, casual cruelty, psychological manipulation, sick pleasure from inflicting pain, pathological lying, aggression, impulsiveness, and irresponsibility.
If instead of ‘psychopath’ the phrase ‘lawless natural man’ is substituted, then we have a description of the evil-state of Western elitists, Luciferians, Hollywood pedophiles and all other spiritually dead men in these last days:
“For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy.” 2 Tim. 3:2, KJB
As the mind and will of lawless natural men and women are in agreement with Satan, they will be irresistibly drawn to and hypnotized by the diabolical inspiration of Powers, Principalities, demons, and the Lawless One (Antichrist), Satan’s earthly representative:
“Through his craft and by his hand, he will cause deceit to prosper, and in his own mind he will make himself great. In a time of peace, he will destroy many, and he will even stand against the Prince of princes. Yet he will be broken off, but not by human hands”. Daniel 8:25
“How that they told you there should be mockers in the last time, who should walk after their own ungodly lusts.” Jude 1:18
The Lawless One is the androgynous, sadistic psychopath par excellence described by Paul as the ‘man of iniquity, son of perdition.’ He is the son of the Evil One because he has espoused the spirit of the devil.
His unbounded pride, lovelessness, depraved conscience, sadism, arrogant conceit, contempt, relativism, and hatred of God the Father are characteristic of his perversity and the reason for his unbelief in the Holy Triune God. He in fact believes he is god incarnate among men.
He will present himself as a god-man, the first perfectly evolved product of nature, thus, he espouses evolutionary religion, scientism, totalitarian progressive politics of revolution, relativism, and occult one-god interfaith religion.
These are the powerful esoteric instruments of his will by which he worships himself, makes himself equal to the Lord our God and holds the power of life and death in his hands. He is a powerful seducer, so powerful in fact that even believers will be deceived if possible.
The Lawless One suffers the same envy of God that transformed Lucifer into Satan–the Evil One, the Divine Androgyne, original heretic, apostate, father of lies, of rebellion and of all psychopaths.
“We have read of the sealing of the servants of God in their foreheads (Revelation 7:3): we shall hear of it again (Revelation 22:4); the power of evil also has its mark or stamp. (The seal of God) we understood as spiritual…this evil brand we must interpret in like manner. It surely means the acquiescence in character and action to the principles of this tyrannical world-power: the right hand is the symbol of toil and social intercourse; the forehead is the symbol of character, as time is ever writing its awful tale upon men’s brows.” Ellicott’s Commentary for English Readers
The sin of Lucifer (and of Hegel, Nietzsche, Karl Marx, Lenin, Stalin, Hitler, Soros, Global Luciferians) was that he could not abide the idea of Christ Jesus’ existence since he wished to become God.
The Lawless One’s sin (Nietzsche’s) consists in being unable to tolerate the idea that Jesus Christ, a greater man than himself exists.
“And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.” Genesis 2:7
All sin originates in the intellect (living soul/spirit). It then moves to the senses for approval. The consequences are considered, the will chooses to act on the sin, and the mind rationalizes the behavior. When in the sin-hardened man or women these actions are habitual they become the common bonds linking impenitent sinners to Satan and increasing numbers of his wicked earthly representatives. All of these hardened, impenitent sinners are infected with the venom of the serpent, have received his mark, and by their own freely made habitual choices over time, are hell-bound.
updated2025@Linda Kimball
1. Dark Dreams: A Legendary FBI Profiler Examines Homicide and the Criminal Mind, Book Online,
James 1:14-15
I commented on this in the previous article about the Rape of Children as being committed by those who don’t, or won’t, obey either God’s or man’s laws.
Man’s laws describe them as criminal psychopaths who don’t or won’t heed what’s right or wrong, sexually in this case.
God’s laws justly condemn those of such lawless behavior to eternity in Hell. Hell is for those who commit heinous crimes such as this, as well as for other crimes against God and humanity.