The emasculation of the American male: Testosterone-crushing chemical herbicide banned in Europe gets sprayed freely on U.S. crops and ends up in our food

Leo Hohmann, 10/24

We’ve all heard about the historic drop in male testosterone levels over the past 50 to 60 years but rarely does anyone delve into the causes of this disturbing trend.

A recent guest on the Joe Rogan podcast blew the whistle on a chemical herbicide widely used on large swaths American croplands that has wrought catastrophic effects on the reproductive hormones and organs of the American male.

Atrazine, a herbicide sold under various brand names such as Bullet, Lariat, Guardsman Max, Bicep II Magnum, Dual II Magnum, Medal II, and others, is proven to have harmful effects on boys and men of all ages.

Dr. Casey Means explained that atrazine is widely present in American foods. It has even found its way into some public water systems. This testosterone-crushing chemical is banned across Europe but not the United States.

What is atrazine, and how does it do this?

The Vigilant News Network reports that Atrazine is a widely-used herbicide sprayed on crops like corn and sugarcane to control weeds. It disrupts hormone function by increasing the activity of an enzyme called aromatase, which converts testosterone into estrogen.

In men, this can contribute to conditions like decreased muscle mass, low libido, and even feminization.

U.S. farmers spray 70 million pounds of this tasteless, odorless, chemical on our food, while it’s illegal to do so in Europe.

This is criminal. America is run by an international criminal syndicate bent on destroying the most powerful and wealthy country on earth. A major part of the plan is genocide. And the globalist cabal is using Big Pharma and Big Agriculture to poison us into extinction.

Stay away from all non-organic, GMO-based breads, cereals, as well as all sugary and processed foods. These include all foods with canola oil, seed oils, corn syrup, etc.


1 thought on “The emasculation of the American male: Testosterone-crushing chemical herbicide banned in Europe gets sprayed freely on U.S. crops and ends up in our food”

  1. If the adverse effects of Atrazine described here are true, then yes, this substance must be banned effective immediately.

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