The Dark Messages, Symbolism in “Longlegs:” Occult Elite’s Favorite Themes: Preying on Children, Destroying Families, Attacking Fathers, Blaspheming Christianity. 

Vigilant Citizen, 9/24

Warning: Monstrous spoilers ahead!

The least one can say is that Longlegs is disturbing. And that feeling somehow gets worse as one slowly processes the implications of its story and the deeper meaning of its symbolism. Although the movie itself has its creepy moments, the scariest part of Longlegs is realizing the mindset of those behind it. Because, at its core, the movie is a love letter to Satan and, more importantly, the twisted perspective that comes with it.

While, at face value, Longlegs follows the FBI investigation of an occult-minded serial killer, its subject matter alludes to much more. Through symbolism and references, the movie highlights society’s dark, Satanic underbelly and its obsession with preying on children. While one would hope that, at least, the film ends with evil losing and good prevailing, that’s not what happens. At all.

Not unlike most media in recent years, Longlegs has a very clear “moral of the story:” Evil is deeply ingrained in society, especially at its highest levels, and fighting it is a lost cause.

Not only does Satan’s shadowy figure appear over 15 times (in a semi-subliminal matter) during Longlegs, but the movie’s subject matter reeks of pure, unadulterated evil. It is about turning fathers, the protectors of families, into their destructors through the Satanic mind control of their young, innocent daughters.

In its own creepy way, Longlegs touches on the occult elite’s favorite themes: Preying on children, destroying families, attacking fathers, and blaspheming Christianity. And, once all is said and done, the movie ends with these simple yet telling words:

“Hail Satan.”

No wonder the mass media gushed over that movie. Here’s a look at the deeper symbolism in Longlegs.

Played by Nicolas Cage, Longlegs is a disturbed man with a creepy prosthetic face. While his obsession with Satanism might be attributed to his love of 1970s glam rock (lots of rockstars were into it), we soon discover that he’s actually imbued with a supernatural, demonic force.

While the movie doesn’t explain the origins of the name Longlegs, some clues paint a clearer (and creepier) picture.

At the beginning of the movie, Longlegs tells a girl, “It seems I wore my long legs today,” alluding to the difference in height. That expression is rather bizarre. It’s almost as if he took a “human form” before appearing to the girl.

Through symbolism, Longlegs is associated directly associated with Satan. Either he’s Satan himself, or he’s his loyal servant.

The name Longlegs can also be related to the type of spider called “daddy long-legs.” As we’ll see, the concept of fatherhood (daddy) is strongly associated with this character. Furthermore, daddy long-legs spiders are known for living in basements. Longlegs also lives in a (very creepy) basement.


An In-Depth Look at the Dark Messages and Symbolism in “Longlegs”

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