The Curtain of Pretending Has Fallen – Democrats Apoplectic at Horrible Biden Debate Performance – Calls for Immediate Replacement

Sundance, The Last Refuge, 6/24

Across the broad political spectrum of leftists and professional democrats, the apoplexy is consistent.  Everyone is freaking out about how terrible Joe Biden did in the debate against President Trump.

Biden was incoherent, stumbling, disjointed and generally showing all of the signs of cognitive decline the media have previously denied witnessing.  However, even the most political spin-masters on the democrat side of the spectrum will not spin this one.  The curtain of denial and pretending has fallen.  The emperor is naked; the crowd admits.


The Curtain of Pretending Has Fallen – Democrats Apoplectic at Horrible Biden Debate Performance – Calls for Immediate Replacement

2 thoughts on “The Curtain of Pretending Has Fallen – Democrats Apoplectic at Horrible Biden Debate Performance – Calls for Immediate Replacement”

  1. Even if an unwilling Biden can be replaced, there’s no doubt that the Dems can find a replacement without the cognitive issues but with the same abhorrent character and anti-American policies that Biden has.
    The best known one is Gavin Newsome Gov. of Calif. who’s shown he has the same abominable character that Biden has with his feigned climate alarmism which he uses to stifle energy, his unfettered immigration, his feigned racist gaslighting, his Marxist economic war against his state, and anything else he can find to make his state miserable, not great.
    The Dems are sure to pick those of abominable characters who seem to be demonically driven to inflict woe on their fellows.

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