Techno Religion and Evolution
Underlying Techno religion, the belief that Artificial Intelligence is showing signs of evolving into ‘god’, the belief that machines will be able to answer our deepest questions, and the quest to robotize mankind is evolution, the unseen energy that from ancient times was worshipped as serpent power and in India is the energy called Kundalini spirit.
This same unseen energy undergirds and validates Luciferian Global pedophiles in their belief that they are the ones ‘chosen’ by this god-energy but the rest of us are not, therefore we are subhumans who can be used as guinea pigs in various experiments, our children brutalized, anally raped and sadistically murdered in satanic rituals, and so on.
It cannot be emphasized too strongly that when evolutionary theists usurp the Genesis account with Darwinism they have, in their arrogant ignorance, unleashed a desolation of abomination within the Word of God.