Satan’s Western Luciferians Flee the Cross of Christ

A Christian judo Olympian has been punished after making the Sign of the Cross at the Paris Olympics.” (Christian Olympian Suspended for Five Months After Making Sign of the Cross at Paris Olympics, (Clare Marie Merkowsky, LifeSite News, 10/24)

Global ‘Elites’ are Luciferian occult initiates and cannot bear the sign of the Cross of Christ. Most of them, if not all of them, practice modern evolutionary spirituality, a kind of Hindu evolutionary ascension to godlikeness (Lucifer to them) that opens them, or gives ground to, forces of darkness. This means they are under the controlling influences of demons and Powers. Some of them are in varying stages of possession. This is why the opening and closing ceremonies of the Paris Olympics featured blood, beheadings, skulls, the Pale Horse of Revelation, a blasphemous rendition of the Last Supper, and during the closing ceremony, the evil gold/black skeletal figure that is most likely ‘Lucifer.,” the angel of light. 

As the gold/black figure appears in unison with ghastly white figures writhing in pain, the gold/black figure may well symbolize the spirit of death who is now the real “christ,” entering hell to liberate souls wrongly incarcerated there by the evil Jehovah. This is a reenactment of the inverse Gnostic exegesis attributing Lucifer with enlightening and liberating Adam and Eve from the evil Jehovah.

The Paris Olympic ceremonies symbolize occult concepts. As the occult is the kingdom of Satan we know that the Paris Olympic ceremonies are the work of Satan, demons, and Powers working through deceived, delusional godless human tools. The Ceremonies represent a dangerous deception with eternal consequences for all who succumb. 

Though they do not realize it, Global and national occult elitists and all who serve Lucifer/Baphomet/Azazel are the walking dead, the demonically overshadowed citizens of Pandemonium, the capitol of hell on earth. There they slavishly follow the satanic course of this darkened world under the power of the All Seeing Eye – the Divine Androgyne, Satan. 

Satan is the spirit of death behind the inversion and reversal of America’s and W. Europe’s demonically darkened condition where males are now females and killing the unborn is a form of liberation from the moral chains of God’s Moral Law.

The serpent is the author of heresy, evolution as origin account, apostasy, perversion, magic, chaos, lawlessness, death, stench, obscenity, mass murder, terror, and hell that is at work in the sons of disobedience. 

Unless our Lord intervenes, Satan and his legions will steer the West and America into a demonically inverted  scourge,

 that is far more disastrous than the ancient Flood, a much vaster destruction of the human race, in which it believes that it can sweep away from the face of earth not the wicked but rather the good: those who remain faithful to the Lord and to His holy law.” (App. Vigano: Pagan Modernity is Preparing A Scourge Far More Disastrous Than the Flood, LifeSite News, 2/13/23)


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