Satan, Space Brothers, and the Genesis Problem

One of Satan’s greatest achievements in our age of biological science and evolutionary thinking has been to convince natural science-and-evolution worshipping Westerners to believe that all that exists is the void and energy working on matter pregnant with life. The only problem, and it’s a really big one because unresolvable, is that though evolutionists have tried several different anti-creation models of the universe none can account for life, conscious life, and information. Additionally, recent research has shot them full of holes, leaving evolutionists with the hated Big Bang model.

In a 2012 editorial, “The Genesis Problem,” New Scientist editors admit that physicists have been fighting a rearguard action against the Big Bang theory for decades, largely because they believe it has theological overtones. After all, if you have an instant of creation, don’t you need a creator?

If modern physicists understood the pagan and occult implications of the Big Bang model their fears would be put to rest. The seedbed of Big Bang speculations are ancient global cosmic events described by Eastern Advaitans and Greek nature sages as Cosmic Eggs. One Hindu belief was that Brahman (the Divine Void or energy field) spontaneously generated itself as something like a seed or singularity about 4.3 billion years ago and then evolved under its’ own power by which it expanded and formed all that exists:

“These Hindus believed in an eternal Universe that had cycles of rebirth, destruction and dormancy, known as ‘kalpas,’ rather like oscillating big bang theories. We also read in the Hindu Bhagavad Gita that the god Krishna says, ‘I am the source from which all creatures evolve.” (Evolution: An Ancient Pagan Idea, Paul James Griffith,

In this way of thinking, the entire universe, spirit, life, the gods, human beings, and everything else, came about by a process of emanation (or unfolding, emergence or evolution) from an energy field called Brahman, the Void. Therefore creation is not creation ex nihilo, as the Genesis account teaches, but mechanical emanations out of the lifeless Void.

In India, the Void and the doctrines of evolution, reincarnation, and karma were thoroughly established from ancient times. It was expounded first in the Upanishads (c. 1000 BC – AD 4), the philosophical-mystical texts held to be the essence of the Vedas. Moreover, the “science” and “psychology” behind the idea that mind and information evolve from chemicals can be found in the yogic science of Ayurveda and Hatha Yoga which outlines in both modern and ancient texts the glandular and neurological basis of Enlightenment. (Griffith)

Variations on the theme of the void, matter and energy were held by ancient Babylonians, Egyptians, Greeks and Romans in the West and the Upanishads and other mystical pantheists in the East. This ancient occult pagan belief is naturalism, which is of the worldview of monism. Monism is held in common by pantheism, materialism and spiritualism and dates back to pagan antiquity and was or is taught by all non-biblical thought systems

Highly Evolved Deep Space Brothers

Ancient and modern creeds based in void, energy, and matter mean on one hand that the supernatural Triune Holy God who spoke creation into existence ex nihilo, man as His spiritual image-bearer, the Fall, hell, holy angels, the devil and his evil minions either do not exist or are myths from man’s pre-scientific past. On the other hand, highly evolved deep Space Brothers – themselves the emergent product of the Void and universal life force (aka the Force, Zoë, evolution, vril, serpent power, seething energies of Lucifer) acting on matter almost certainly exist according to prominent scientist Stephen Hawking and many others.

Hawking warns against contact with deep space aliens because he believes that since they would be a very highly evolved life-form they would view human kind as a primitive life-form to be conquered and used as slaves or worse.

Pulitzer Prize-winning author Alice Walker also believes in the existence of Space Brothers. The author of “The Color Purple” is a disciple of David Icke, thus like him she believes the world is run by shape-shifting reptilian aliens who practice mind control from the moon.

In his book, ‘Human Race Get off Your Knees: The Lion Sleeps No More’ Icke describes how the human mind is controlled from the moon which he claims is actually a “gigantic spacecraft” which sends us a “fake reality broadcast… in much the same way as portrayed in the Matrix movie trilogy.” (“Prize-winning author Alice Walker gives support to David Icke on Desert Island Discs,” Liam O’Brien,, Sunday 19 May 2013)

Depending on which camp extraterrestrial believers fall into, they either view aliens with great fear and horror or as the saviors of mankind who will rescue the earth in the process. The Vatican’s astronomer Dr. Guy Consolmagno, an avowed evolutionist and self-confessed science fiction fan said he would even be happy to baptize an alien. (I’d love to baptize ET, says Vatican’s stargazer,, 25 January, 2011)

Other Christian UFO believers have rapture-type events predicted for the future while many others are tormented by waking-visions and nightmares by what one man describes as demons,

“(and) the feeling of paralysis and being incapable of speaking. All I could do in such a situation was mentally pray in Jesus name for deliverance. I would then feel the ‘presence’ leave and I’d wake up.” (“Aliens, evolution and the occult,” Gary Bates,, 24 February 2007)

Bates notes that he has heard many such testimonies and today increasing numbers of people are having very similar experiences with demons, orbs, dark shadows, and evil spirits masquerading as extraterrestrials.

The Myth of Extraterrestrials

In his book, “Scientific Mythologies,” James A. Herrick traces the highly evolved ‘aliens from outer-space’ idea back to certain Renaissance astrologers, occult Hermetic-Cabbalists, and mystics such as Emanuel Swedenborg (1688-1772) who claimed he not only received telepathic secrets from spirits but had visited populated planets during self-hypnosis induced mystical experiences.

Swedenborg’s mystical experiences and out-of-body visits to planets bear a striking similarity to those of ex-guru Rabindranath R. Maharaj. Now a committed follower of Jesus Christ, Maharaj describes his mystical encounters with gods on other planets:

“Nothing was more important than our daily transcendental meditation, the heart of Yoga, which Krishna advocated as the surest way to eternal Bliss. But it could also be dangerous. Frightening psychic experiences awaited the…meditator, similar to a bad trip on drugs. Demons described in the Vedas had been known to take possession of some Yogis. Kundalini power, said to be coiled like a serpent at the base of the spine, could produce ecstatic experiences when released in deep meditation – or…it could do great mental and bodily harm. The line between ecstasy and horror was very fine…During daily meditation I began to have visions of psychedelic colors, to hear unearthly music, and to visit exotic planets where the gods conversed with me, encouraging me to attain even higher states of consciousness. Sometimes in my trance I encountered the same horrible demonic creatures…depicted by the images in Hindu, Buddhist, Shinto, and other religious temples. It was a frightful experience, but the Brahmacharya explained that it was normal and urged me to pursue the quest for Self Realization. At times I experienced a sense of mystical unity with the universe. I was the universe, Lord of all, omnipotent, omnipresent. My instructors were excited at this. I was obviously a chosen vessel, destined for early success in the search for union with Brahman. The Forces that had guided my father were now guiding me.” (Death of a Guru, Rabindranath R. Maharaj, pp. 56-57)

Swedenborg’s influence is far-reaching. His disciples run the gamut from Kant to the occult theosophist Madame Blavatsky and psychologist J.B. Rhine together with a vast array of science fiction writers (i.e., Arthur C. Clarke, H.G. Wells, Ray Bradbury, and Steven Spielberg), contemporary spiritists and numerous evolutionary scientists.

Over time, Swedenborg’s out-of-body or in-body travels gave birth to what Herrick dubs “The Myth of the Extraterrestrial.” As far back as the seventeenth century enthusiastic science fiction writers were imagining “the intelligent extraterrestrial visitor” and preparing the public to accept their existence. And accept them they have, for the twentieth century has witnessed a veritable population explosion in the alien domain, said Herrick. (p. 43)

Indeed, many UFO messages have been received and channeled by contactees (mediums) who claim to be receiving special revelations from our ‘space brothers.’ Some of these ‘revelations’ have even become the basis of block-buster movies featuring reptilian, grey, and humanoid Nordic extraterrestrials.

In a big picture sense, the whole realm of UFO beliefs is a religious idea built upon evolution, yet another religious idea said Gary Bates:

“The common denominator of both camps is the belief that evolution has occurred for countless eons on the earth and all over the universe. This point cannot be emphasized strongly enough – it is the basis for virtually all belief in alien life, whatever form one thinks that life may take.” ( Aliens, evolution and the occult)

Tragically, because science fiction has become our national myth and evolution (the mystical universal life force) is widely accepted throughout the West and taught in Western schools and many seminary’s as science, secularized high-school children actually believe there must be some kind of evolutionary Star Wars-like ‘force’ behind the universe. Along with many deluded atheist scientists, Hollywood liberals, and like-minded progressives, some students even believe that highly evolved and technologically advanced aliens seeded life on earth.

Extraterrestrials: Satan’s Elite Troops

Dr. Kurt Koch (1913-1987), was a highly respected German theologian who pastored, counseled and delivered thousands of people suffering from the occult and demonic bondage throughout the world, covering sixty-five countries and five continents. In “Occult ABC,” Koch identifies extraterrestrials as Satan’s elite troops. Even though UFO’s were seen in previous centuries, today’s UFO’s are heralds of the end-time. They appear most frequently in countries where the cult of Satan flourishes and their most obvious purpose is to destroy faith in Christ and the Bible and replace it with hell-born wisdom. Satan is sending his elite troops ahead:

“He is arming for the final battle.” (pp. 341-342)

The Extraterrestrial Encounter of the Highest Kind

We have already had a close encounter with an Extraterrestrial Who said, “I am not of this world.” But most people then and now choose not to believe in Him. They prefer instead to scan the heavens with their scientific instruments chase after ghosts, Space Brothers, orbs, spirit guides, Nordics, and other non-terrestrial entities.

“….blessed are they that hear the word of God, and keep it.” Luke 11:28

In “Wisdom and Foolishness,” Dr. Harry Reeder, senior minister of Briarwood Presbyterian Church in Birmingham, Ala. writes that God’s Word reveals two types of wisdom. The first is worldly wisdom which is “earthly, unspiritual, demonic.” This hell-derived wisdom leaves in its wake chaos, brokenness, factions, death, and destruction. The second is wisdom from above, granted by the Holy God to those who ask for it:

“It is found in His word, and it is accessed by hearing that Word faithfully preached and then embedding it into our lives through obedience.” (Biblical Dichotomies, Tabletalk, p. 19)

The first wisdom is not of Father God but of the creative imagination of man run wild. It is,

“… actually ‘the foolishness of man’ masquerading as wisdom and propagated by man-made religions and a myriad of ‘isms’ – humanism, progressivism, materialism, consumerism, secularism, etc.”

Of all the foolishness of man masquerading as wisdom today, there is no more destructive and demonic than evolutionism. Evolutionism is hell-derived metaphysical sophistry pretending to be factual science which for millions of deluded seculars and their evolutionary theist counterparts has effectively become a new religion that supplants the Revealed Word of God:

“…the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them.” 2 Cor. 4:4

Over eighteen hundred years ago the Apostle Paul foretold all of this,

“The Spirit clearly says that in later times some will abandon the faith and follow deceiving spirits and things taught by demons.” (I Timothy 4:1)


1 thought on “Satan, Space Brothers, and the Genesis Problem”

  1. Yes indeed. If the The Lord is our Shepherd, then those who don’t heed Him belong to another flock.

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