“Many Christian observers of the West have noted for quite some time now that we are seeing a real reversal. The paganism of two millennia ago was basically wiped out by the spread of Christianity. Sure, it took some centuries to happen, but it took place nonetheless. However, the West is now quickly reverting back to what was the norm twenty centuries ago. There is no question that we have moved from being a Christian West, to a post-Christian West, and now an anti-Christian or pagan West. While Christianity is thriving and growing in much of the non-Western world, here in the West it seems to be on its last legs.” (Bill Muehlenberg, Review of Pagan America: The Decline of Christianity and the Dark Age to Come)
“and if anyone takes away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God will take away his share in the tree of life and in the holy city, which are described in this book.” Rev. 22:19
“The sacred prohibition against either adding to or taking from the word of God may not be restricted to the book of Revelation. We have already noted that John was conscious of this book’s being the last of the sacred canon (see under v. 11); and it should be observed here that John tailored his words to include both his prophecy and the canon. “Prophecy of this book” (Rev 22:18), means the book of Revelation; “book of this prophecy” (Rev 22:19) means the entire Bible. There is the additional fact that the prohibition against adding to or taking from, is here identical with the warning in the Old Testament to the same effect (Deuteronomy 4:2; Deuteronomy 12:32). John was not conscious merely of writing Scripture, but of writing the final Scripture.” Coffman’s Commentaries on the Bible, Revelation 22:19
The battle for the Genesis account—the Bible’s book of beginnings–was lost long ago because most churches did not engage the battle. They sat it out while new pagan Darwinism not only prevailed throughout the West and America, but is now openly celebrated within many ‘scientifically enlightened’ modernist churches while the Genesis account is demonized and ridiculed.
If the Genesis account is just myth, poetry, or the superstition of ancient goat herders then the rest of the Bible is as well…including the Book of Revelation. (Rev. 22:19) On the other hand if pagan Darwinism—Satan’s anti-creation origin account–is really how all things began, it is only logical that the fruitless darkness of paganism and occultism (the devil’s playground) overtake our nation and many of our churches.
“Have no fellowship with the Fruitless Deeds of Darkness, But Rather Expose Them.” Ephesians 5:11
Following on the heels of the loss of the Genesis account we now have within the contemporary church–spanning the RCC to the Orthodox and Evangelical Protestant—many specifically occult devices, philosophies, and ritual techniques. They range from the Enneagram to Wicca, yoga, Buddhist mindfulness meditation, and more.
It was through Sarah Young (Jesus Calling) that large numbers of Southern Baptist and Presbyterian Christian women were introduced to spiritism, or contact with evil spirits.
Sarah Young patterned her spiritual quest after God Calling. The neo-pagan worldview behind God Calling affirms themes and practices that are forbidden in the Bible such as universalism (all is divine), spiritualism (contacting spirits), mysticism (messages received through meditative practices), and necromancy (contacting spirits masquerading as the deceased).( Christian Journaling or Psychic Channeling? Brenna E. Scott)
“Like the women of God Calling, Sarah Young looked for divine revelation beyond the Bible: ‘I knew that God communicated with me through the Bible, but I yearned for more.’ She apparently learned how to receive and record her own personal messages from a spirit she calls ‘Jesus’ and is now training others to do the same through her many devotionals.” Brenna Scott
“Then I heard another voice from heaven saying, “Come out of her, my people, so that you do not take part in her sins, and so that you do not share in her plagues” Revelation 18:4
The divine call to “come out” signifies separation from sin, the fruitless deeds of darkness, and impending judgment. “My people” indicates that our Lord is addressing believers, urging them to dissociate from Satan’s world system symbolized by ‘her’ (Babylon). “So that you do not share in her plagues” is a warning to avoid sharing in her sins and highlights the danger of complicity and moral contamination. “Plagues” draws a parallel to the plagues of Egypt (Exodus 7:11) and symbolizes divine judgment upon those who remain aligned with Satan’s world system.
Intercessors, let us go to our Lord in prayer:
Holy and Righteous Father, Your intercessors come before You with downcast hearts over the sinful condition of much of the contemporary church. We acknowledge our sins and transgressions before You, knowing our thoughts and motives are not hidden from Your sight, and though we are undeserving of anything for ourselves and we are so very grateful that You elevated Your servant Donald Trump to president and through him are doing many great works, we humbly ask that it be Your will O Lord that the Holy Spirit convict the wayward heart of the contemporary church of its sin. It walks in darkness within Satan’s Babylonian world system, and we pray it will repent and come out of her!
We also ask that You convict each and every contemporary Christian of their sins that they might repent and You create in them a clean heart and renewed spirit, O God, that they may walk in the Light of Your Word. Restore them to the joy of Your salvation and grant them willing spirits to obey Your commands. May the power of Your Holy Spirit strengthen them to resist temptation that they might walk in Light and holiness before You all their days.
In the Mighty and All Powerful Name of Jesus Christ, the triumphant Crucified, Risen Christ we pray. Amen