Rationalism: Pride of Mind

The justifications of the UN and the World Economic Forum’s anti-enlightenment global policies, aimed at subjugating people, are dressed in the form of science, even though they are based on esotericism and the occult and are therefore only the irrational thinking of fools.” The occult religion of the WEF “has largely replaced Christianity in Western countries. Nature pantheism specifically draws from the ‘wisdom’ of theosophy, which is based on the esotericism and occultism of the world’s most famous con artist, Madame Blavatsky, who claimed to have discovered the ‘lost truth’ that unites world religions.” (Professor Mikko Paunio cited in Finnish Professor Exposes the Occult Roots of the World Economic Forum, Frank Wright, LifeSite News, Mar. 23, 2023)

One of the great fallacies of rationalism is,

“… its failure to take the fall of man seriously. Man’s original sin is to try to be his own god, his own source of law, morality, and determination (Gen. 3:5) RJ Rushdoony, June 1, 1997

As a child of the Enlightenment, Paunio holds that knowledge is all that can be known through empiricism and the mind of man (rationalism), therefore the Finnish professor very naturally reduces occultism and Blavatsky’s theosophy to fantasy. As the minds of rationalists are biased by pride, self, and disordered passions, the output of such reasoning cannot be taken as authoritative and final in any way.

In the sense that the ‘wisdom teachings’ informing Theosophy and the occult nature pantheism were revealed to Blavatsky and Alice Bailey (the two architects of New Age Luciferianism) by an evil angel calling itself Djwal Kuhl, is the WEF’s religion based in fantasy. More correctly however, the WEF’s religion is a false reality projected into the minds of WEF religionists in the same way that people who interact frequently with extraterrestrials (fallen Powers) have projected into their minds a false reality. 

As Christians we cannot agree with the professors suggestion that we must defend the enlightenment and pursue good from one’s own starting point as this will only end in the chaos of thousands of starting points. Neither should we accept his rationalism in implying that Djwal Kuhl is also a figment of the imagination. Evil Powers and Principalities are very real and the ‘wisdom teachings’ given by them to Blavatsky and Bailey are strongholds in the minds of the WEF, New Agers, and other followers of the occult.


2 thoughts on “Rationalism: Pride of Mind”

  1. This represents the satanic masterstroke of the ages……this is because Lucifer is behind the WEF’s occultism and Paunio’s enlightenment……..the only difference being the WEF openly serve Lucifer and the enlightened scientist unknowingly serves Lucifer………and both want to save the world from the old world order and Judeo/Christianity……..why would people choose “the light that is darkness” rather than The Light of the world?

    1. Exactly so, Nick. Paunio imagines the output of his mind to be rational, logical, neutral, and so on. But apart from the Word his reasoning is self-centered.

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