Prayer: The Seven Things God Detests

There are six things the Lord hates, seven that are detestable to him: haughty eyes, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked schemes, feet that are quick to rush into evil, a false witness who pours out lies, and a person who stirs up conflict in the community.”  Proverbs 6:16-19

  1. Haughty Eyes: the haughty spirit thinks it is superior to God and to everyone else. It was a haughty, prideful spirit that led pre flood world people to reject God and His Higher Wisdom, Knowledge, and Laws and take to themselves the authority of gods. In our own time, many haughty spirits have announced the death of God. They range, for example, from the antichrist Nietzsche to Marx, and America’s ‘death of God’ theologians.
  2. Lying tongue: the lying spirit is one who hates reality and how things must work in this world so it knowingly and willingly speaks lies, propaganda and semi-falsehoods meant to unweave and reweave reality; to slander and destroy the good name of another person; or use words of flattery for selfish gain. Lying makes us like satan, the father of lies. John 8: 44
  3. Hands that shed innocent blood: This is the spirit who commits cold blooded murder for purposes of personal gain, vengeance, or fulfillment of evil schemes such as global Merchants of Death who want to kill off the worlds population until only 1 billion remain. Jesus tells us that to harbor anger and unforgiveness within the heart is murder. Matthew 5: 21-24
  4. A heart that devises wicked schemes: this is a spirit that knowingly conceives evil schemes against other people, such as what Global Luciferians, child sex traffickers, and terrorists do. The heart of this evil spirit continually contrives schemes to bring others to death or ruin, whether physically or spiritually.
  5. Feet that are quick to rush into evil: This spirit displays no resistance whatsoever to sin such as Eve, who having no resistance to the serpent’s temptation rushed headlong into sin. Today are great numbers of these spirits throughout our homeland. 
  6. False witness who pours out lies: This is the sin of bearing false witness prohibited by the 9th of the Ten Commandments. The New Testament equally condemns this sin in Colossians 3: 9-10. In our time are many false witnesses, from those who testified falsely against Trump in an attempt to impeach him to those who testified falsely against J6 Trump supporters who were hunted down and imprisoned. 
  7. A man who stirs up dissension among brothers: God created us to live in peace and unity, but this malignant spirit deliberately stirs up strife, hatred, and envy among family members and other people, even to the extent of dividing them against each other. This spirit works within churches, families, and communities. In the community spirits of dissension often disguise themselves as community activists.

The seven things God hates are compilations of sin, which is rebellion against God,

“…violation of his law, and breach of covenant—all driven by the exaltation of the self over against God. It is the exchange of God’s truth for a lie, and the worship of the creature rather than the creator. Let us never exchange the bible’s view of sin for weak, man-centered counterfeits. If we do, the rest of our theology will soon follow.” Herbert Marcuse and the Reality of Sin, Brad Green, Christ Over All

Heavenly Father, since the election of President Trump You have been convicting Americans of their wickedness and evil. What You have revealed to us is that our land is a boiling pot of sin and rebellion. Lord, we have sinned greatly by exchanging Your view of sin for lying, man-centered counterfeits that allow men to freely sin. O Lord, we pray You will have mercy on this people and deliver them from all detestable sins and lying. Grant mercy, peace, and healing to this nation and surround Your servant Donald Trump and his administration with a hedge of protection and grant him and his administration wisdom in their endeavors. Through the power of the Holy Spirit, please strengthen and stir up your church to proclaim the good news of salvation, and to reach out to those in need with the love of Christ, through whom we pray.

May the soul, spirit, and body of Your faithful children be kept blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, to whom be glory forever. In the Name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Amen


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