Prayer That the Wayward Church Repents of Its Idolatry and Occultisms

Paganism’s ethos and ethic is among us.  Hear this plainly:  I am not saying the barbarians are “at the gates.”  No, the data suggest that WE Christians have invited paganism into our midst; it now dines and reclines – quite comfortably and unchallenged – at our own tables…Recently, a study disclosed that over 60% of Christians hold to at least one “New Age” – aka pagan – tenet. This is not some occasional quirky software bug, but instead suggests deep corruption of the church’s operating system…This comprehensive study reports on the beliefs of several categories of Christian across the spectrum: Evangelical, Mainline, Historically Black, and Catholic.” (Paganism in the Pews, Dr. Jeffrey J. Ventrella, Truthxchange News Letter, 6/17/24)

In the space of a few short decades evolutionary thinking and occult New Age spirituality has made profound inroads within both church and society. In the wayward church it manifests for example, in evolutionary spirituality, the popular enneagram, Buddhist mindfulness meditation, Eastern yoga and mantras, labyrinth walking and the hugely popular new contemplative prayer, a hybrid drawn from prayer practices of the Christian contemplative heritage fused with Eastern mysticism. The hybrid version,

“…originated in St Joseph’s Abbey, a Trappist monastery in Spencer, Massachusetts. During the twenty years (1961-1981) when Keating was abbot, St Joseph’s held dialogues with Buddhist and Hindu representatives, and a Zen master gave a week-long retreat to the monks. A former Trappist monk who had become a Transcendental Meditation teacher also gave a session to the monks. ….Centering prayer is essentially a form of self-hypnosis. It makes use of a “mantra,” a word repeated over and over to focus the mind while striving by one’s will to go deep within oneself. The effects are a hypnotic-like state…” (The Danger of Centering Prayer, Rev. John D. Dreher, Catholic Education Resource Center)

In the foreword to Philip St. Romains book, “Kundalini Energy and Christian Spirituality,” Keating acknowledges that kundalini energy is the focus of the “new” Christian contemplative prayer. He states:

“Since this energy [kundalini] is also at work today in numerous persons who are devoting themselves to contemplative prayer, this book is an important contribution to the renewal of the Christian contemplative tradition. It will be a great consolation to those who have experienced physical symptoms arising from the awakening of kundalini in the course of their spiritual journey … Most spiritual disciplines world-wide insist on some kind of serious discipline before techniques of awakening kundalini are communicated. In Christian tradition … the regular practice of the stages of Christian prayer … contemplation are the essential disciplines…”(Kundalini Energy Same as Contemplative Silence, lighthousetrailsresearch)

Idolatrous occultists sitting in pews today are the same as always: proud, sinful human beings. From the pre-flood world to our own we are as always our own worst enemy and the ones responsible for the coming of wickedness and judgment because we have abandoned the Lord our God and the Light we received, the Light the martyrs defended and died for.

“Little children, keep yourselves from idols.”  1 John 5:21

What profit is an idol when its maker has shaped it, a metal image, a teacher of lies? For its maker trusts in his own creation when he makes speechless idols!   Woe to him who says to a wooden thing, Awake; to a silent stone, Arise!   Can this teach?  But the Lord is in his holy temple; let all the earth keep silence before him.”  Habakkuk 2: 18-20

Loving Heavenly Father, You are infinite wisdom, mercy, goodness, and superabundant grace. We arise each day to Your steadfast righteous love and hope of salvation. Your faithfulness is our constant companion day by day and Your patient perseverance and loving guidance are there to uphold us. We thank you for daily mercies, the comforts of home, food, and clothing.  We are grateful for Your blessings of domestic peace and for your ongoing protection of ourselves and those whom we love.

Yet today we pray that the wayward church would repent of its sins and its profound ingratitude for not putting its hope and trust in You but in idols forged in the imaginations of wayward Christians and the strong gods (demons, kundalini serpent) in back of them. Though You alone, O Lord, hear our prayers the wayward church prefers its deaf, mute idols that grant wishes. Though You alone speak to us your faithful saving word the wayward church turns away to many occultisms and has abandoned its responsibilities. Father, we pray the wayward church will repent of its idolatry, occultisms, and many other sins. We pray it will neither deny nor make excuses for its sins but confess that it has broken Your holy law and fallen far short of your commands. You alone are our hope and salvation Father and we humbly ask that you cleanse the hearts of wayward Christians and restore them in Christlike purity. In the name of the crucified, risen Christ we pray. Amen
