Prayer of Joyful Remembrance

I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away, and there was no longer any sea. I saw the Holy City, the new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride beautifully dressed for her husband. “John, Revelation 21:1-2

Picture an area in the western United States between the Pacific Coast and the Mississippi River, roughly the distance from Los Angeles to Saint Louis. Or New York to Denver.

“This statement by John—“according to human measurements”–means this description is to be taken quite literally.

“That’s 2,250,000 square miles, on the ground. Then 1,500 miles up from there! Hang on! Are you ready for this? That’s 3,375,000,000 cubic miles, enough room to comfortably accommodate 100,000, billion people!

It has been estimated that approximately thirty billion people have lived in the long history of the world. Even if everyone who ever lived was saved–which is not the case–that would still allow each person 200 square miles on the ground alone…There will be plenty of room for everyone who makes it to Heaven. And that’s just in the city!” (Heaven Help Us! Steven J. Lawson)

Dear Heavenly Father, as we ask that You place a hedge of protection around President Trump and his administration and unceasingly pray over the battles raging between forces of good and those of evil whose masters are evil Powers, let us not forget O Lord our God, your great gifts to us in Him. Let us remember to pause every day and praise You and thank-you for the glorious spiritual blessings we have in Lord Jesus. May we always remember that even as we currently travail amidst ongoing trials of this world that is passing away, that we have been received into the eternal peace of Your heavenly City. With joy, especially on the darkest days, let us remember that this world is not our home and offer thanks and praise.

With great humility and awe may we rejoice always that though we deserve nothing, You chose us in Christ before the foundation of the world. You adopted us through Christ, the Crucified Risen Christ who redeemed us by his blood, gave us the Holy Spirit and sealed us in Him as the guarantee of our inheritance. So as we who are pilgrims in this world, travel onward through darkness and evils each day, hoping and praying for good to prevail over evil, lead us O merciful Lord, by the light of Your gospel and let us reflect Your light to others as together we joyfully walk the narrow way of holiness, heading always upward toward Your glorious Celestial City. Lord, we eagerly look forward to the passing away of worldly evil and sorrowful sighing that will finally be replaced with heavenly love, peace, and joy forever:

Eternal life is not just a life that goes on without end. It is a quality of life that directly corresponds with all that has been in God’s heart for us since the beginning of the cosmos. It is life with nothing missing and nothing wrong. It is life without fear, pain, disappointment or shame. There will be no pride or envy, hate, or confusion, no regret or disorder.” (What the Bible Reveals About Heaven, Daniel Brown)

Hearts on earth say in the course of a joyful experience, “I don’t want this to ever end.” But it invariably does. The hearts of those in heaven say, “I want this to go on forever.” And it will. There can be no better news than this.” (Concise Theology, J.I. Packer)

When we’ve been there ten thousand years, Bright shining as the sun, We’ve no less days to sing God’s praise Than when we’ve first begun.” (Amazing Grace, John Newton)

Hallelujah! Thank-you Lord! In Jesus’ Glorious and Holy name. Amen.


Quotes from Eternal Perspectives, Randy Alcorn

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