Prayer for Repentance Within the Church

An online friend of mine, a Reformed Baptist minister wrote:

I feel a darkness surrounding and descending upon us. Perhaps, darkness is not the best word, but a gray fogginess. While I am thankful for the Trump/Vance victory for many reasons, what I somberly perceive is the lack of repentance and spiritual interest in our nation, particularly amongst our evangelical church’s. Attendance is shrinking, we are seeing less cooperation amongst pastors and all of the faithful pastors I know have experienced serious church division over the past year or so. It should be a time of sober repentance, particularly as we see the sexual deviancy, woke-ness and globalism descending. It should be a time where more Christians are examining themselves, reading their bibles and church’s getting serious by ending the gimmicks, ending the livestream, and taking membership seriously. Instead, there is more focus on church as personal experience, the presence of the live-steam alternative, and less willingness to take membership seriously. This is not happening today. I hope pray for it. Maybe then we will see Revival for our nation.

Intercessors, let us pray for repentance and revival:

Then if my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and will pray and will seek my face and will turn from their evil ways, then I myself shall hear from the heavens and will forgive their sins and heal their land.” 2 Chronicles 7:14

Lord, we confess we are sinners in need of Your forgiveness. We accept Your death on the cross as the penalty for our sins, and recognize that Your mercy and grace are gifts, not for anything we have done, but because of Your great love.

Father, You are gracious and full of mercy and we come before Your throne lifting our voices up in humble prayer for church wide and nation wide repentance that the sins of all churches that have not repented and the sins of our homeland may be blotted out. Acts 3: 19

Lord Jesus, once Your church and our homeland walked with you. But little by little, Your authority was exchanged for temptations and deceit and then falling deeper into sin Your Authority was taken upon the unrepentant and they walked in their own authority. Repentance has been not in their hearts.

Lord, just as You created the world out of nothing, we plead that You will create clean hearts out of the nothingness of the hearts of Your unrepentant people and the people of this land. Please Lord, root out their darkness, and lead them to repent of their transgressions. Cleanse their hearts and show them how to live under Your authority with You in control that the spirit of revival might enter into the whole church and our homeland.

In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen


4 thoughts on “Prayer for Repentance Within the Church”

  1. The Bible does not predict revival in the end times but widespread apostacy in “Christianity” (2 Thessalonians 2:3). We are smack-dab right in the middle of this prophesied falling away/rebellion which has been steadily and dramatically and strategically advancing for decades and is now in fever pitch. We are past the tipping point, beyond the point of no return. We are witnessing a Romans ch. 1 development and God is giving up on the majority of false believers who have a reprobate/debased mind and who are obsessed with the “doctrines of demons.” What remains is what we see now: rampant “days of Noah” wickedness, corruption and violence that will not abate, issuing forth in the judgments of Revelation ch. 6ff.

    1. Yes, the Lord has very obviously given many over. And yet, despite everything, the faithful remnant still hope for revival. That hope runs through the Reformed Baptist ministers commentary and I have given expression to his hope and the hope of many more.

      Then it is very obvious to those whose eyes are open that the Lord our God is at work here. It is His fear that goes before Trump, causing fear to overcome many of the wicked. Then it was He who saved Trump from the assassins bullet on two occasions. So we ought to be asking what His purpose is in elevating Trump to the position of President.

      I’ve thought long and hard on that question and though none of us can answer it, is there is hope for His church? We don’t know so we offer up our prayers.

  2. Sorry, Linda, for getting a little too exuberant with my eschatology – didn’t mean to offend anybody.

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