Prayer for Divine Guidance in this Time of Judgment

In response to “Living in the Third World” : Armed Venezuelan Gang Members Roam Colorado Apartment Building (ZeroHedge, 9/24), Gab member Irish in UK said:

This is coming to every western nation globally very soon and we will not be allowed by our woke leftist globalist supporting governments to say or do a thing about it lest we all get jailed and murdered in jail, because our very existence has become a criminal offense—given the situation in my native Ireland, it will collapse into a bloodbath far sooner than here in the U.K.—I don’t see any way that it can be avoided unless there is much needed and long overdue intervention from previously unexpected sources against our captured governments worldwide—I have very little gif any hope that any of us and our children and future generations can escape what is coming, as there is nowhere in the world left for us to flee to.”

Two antithetical worldviews have been clashing throughout the West and America since before the end of WWII. One of them is the West’s and America’s founding Christian worldview—the foundation of our humanity, our God given rights, and of Western and American civilization. This worldview is our heritage.

The other is the modern death-cult of evolutionary materialism, Satan’s evil false reality from ancient times disguised now as science, progress, Darwinism (biological evolution), evolutionary spirituality, and enlightenment. This evil worldview comprises a false reality conjured by evil Powers in the minds of the rebels that is overthrowing the West and America and snuffing out our home, our God-given rights, and everything good, true, decent, and normal. It means the dissolution of souls and death of our heritage.

The modern cult of evolutionary materialism is an apocalypse of violence and blood. It began in the heart of Christendom. It emerged from rebellion against the supernatural Triune God and true Christian theism. It spawned both Communism and Nazi Germany. In its latest manifestation it is Transhuman and Luciferian Globalism. Its progressive violence is destroying the West and America, and their respective citizens:

“…it was born of our unfulfilled Christian duties, our abandonment of the Father’s House in favor of materialism; a judgment because it reveals how wrong has been our thinking, how evil have been our deeds.” (Great Catholic Books Newsletter; Volume II, Number 2, Fulton J. Sheen Issue)

Throughout the de-Christianized West and America reasoning based in the false reality (evil evolutionary materialism) is taken for granted throughout college curriculum, just as it is in all aspects of modern thought and experience. It not only undergirds biological and earth sciences, but also Freudian and Jungian psychology, anthropology, law, sociology, politics, economics, the media, arts, medicine, and all other academic disciplines. Increasingly materialist Darwinism has found a home in seminarian disciplines as well in churches where this abomination replaces the Genesis account.

The West’s and America’s amoral ruling oligarchy and transnational elite Gnostic Luciferians and Transhumans–the “chosen” ones–are particularly enamored of Satan’s false reality as it confers power that is a license to commit evil:

“Western cultural elites have disregarded God for more than two centuries, but for a while the effects were mostly confined to their own circles. At first, they disregarded God. Then they deliberately desecrated Western tradition and lived in ways that would have spelled disaster if they had been followed more closely. But now in the early twenty-first century, their movement from disregard to desecration to decadence is going mainstream, and the United States is only the lead society among those close to the tipping point…. Soon, as the legalization and then normalization of polyamory, polygamy, pedophilia and incest follow the same logic as that of abortion and homosexuality, the socially destructive consequences of these trends will reverberate throughout society until social chaos is beyond recovery. We can only pray there will be a return to God and sanity before the terrible sentence is pronounced: “God has given them over” to the consequences of their own settled choices.” (Renaissance: The Power of the Gospel However Dark the Times, Os Guinness, p. 20)

Let us pray:

O Lord our God, our nation has abandoned You and Your heritage.  The Western and American people You created in Your own image once walked with You, but then exchanged You, Your heritage, and their souls for Satan’s false reality: violent materialism and the teaching of demons.

Lord our God, our hearts are broken and wearied by the devastation wrought by this satanic rebellion against You. Our land that once honored and served You has turned to violent materialist socialism, communism, Luciferian globalism and evil ideologies like Critical Race Theory and Queer Theory.  Dehumanizing evolution has replaced the Genesis account, even in many seminaries and churches.  Your truth and morality have been replaced by the relativism of “there are no absolutes.”   This has opened wide the door to open displays of sodomy and other sexual perversities, as well as transgender.   People are losing their love for truth and choosing to embrace lies. The more our nation distances itself from You, the deeper the distortions and madness from the doctrine of demons. While Your children live in Your Light, great numbers of Americans live in a false reality, a madhouse that calls evil good and substitutes darkness for light (Isa. 5:20). In the madhouse, many stupefied people affirm males are females and Lucifer is the good god while You O Lord are the evil god. Our land is drowning in madness and soul-destroying sins and evil.

Father, you are gracious and full of mercy. We your servants humbly come before You now, repenting of our sins and seeking Your divine guidance in this time of judgement. Please Lord, grant Donald Trump and Your faithful servants wisdom to discern truth from lie, right from wrong. Walk with us through the darkness, madness, and mayhem. Be the guide of our hearts and minds. Help us to show mercy and forgiveness to the lost. Let Your righteous judgment be our beacon of light. May our actions be reflections of Your merciful love and grace. Keep our feet firmly planted on the narrow way, and when our time here is done, bring us home to You through the narrow gate, the victorious crucified Risen Christ in whose name we pray. Amen.

2024@Linda Kimball

2 thoughts on “Prayer for Divine Guidance in this Time of Judgment”

  1. Thank you, Linda, for your assessment and especially your prayers, both of which reveal your deep discernment of spiritual reality and provide much needed edification for the body of the Lord Jesus Christ.
    If my own perceptions (Hebrews 5:14 ESV) are relatively accurate, the world is very close to experiencing the fulfillment of all Biblical eschatology, in particular the seer Daniel’s prophetic 70th week.
    Not to worry, since Christians have a blessed hope (Titus 2:11-14) prompting us to lift up our heads in eager anticipation of our assured ultimate redemption. Amen.

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