Prayer Against Wicked Ideologues

“Ideology is compelled to distort reality and so is inherently dishonest and distorting of truth, and it is therefore inherently violent. It also naturally tends toward totalitarianism. But even if it does not attain totalitarian state authority, it has an insidious tendency to possess and transform the human being from the inside out. This is the tendency of ideology to destroy, with one’s own cooperation, the humanity or free personhood of those who adhere to it or are seduced by its view of the world, and to some extent even those intimidated into being collaborators. It is the tendency of ideological politics to turn human beings into instruments, not only through compulsion and intimidation, but through their own choice to behave and think according to its dictates.” What is Ideology? Mark Shiffman, Public Discourse, 5/24

Ideology is a system of lies from hell. It holds out a promise of power to humans who seek escape from their fallen human condition and power to remake the world. The soul sick run to it and like Cain, reject God the Father who is Eternal Reality and His created order where things really must work according to His design requiring humble interpretation. They reject Reality in favor of ideology and a wicked egocentric interpretive framework based in lies, illogic, wishful thinking, and fantasy.

Acceptance of ideology requires uncritical submission to a narrow channel of dark illogic:

“The intensity of the zealot comes from belief in the totality of the ideological vision, from enchantment by its hubristic assurance in its own capacity to draw the blueprint and marshal the power to create the world over in its image, from feeling like an empowered participant in its supplanting of God the Creator. This tendency inherent to ideological movements, regardless of how much coercive state power they have attained…” Shiffman

Today the minds of millions of Westerners and Americans are in bondage to a vast matrix of interwoven ideological lies taught as science and fact. Among the lies are, for example, anti-creation Darwinism (biological evolution), Teilhardism (spiritual evolution), progressivism, scientific materialism, political correctness, Cultural Determinism, Identity Politics, Critical Theory, Critical Race Theory, Queer Theory, deconstruction, global cooling/heating/change, sustainability, depopulation (necessary for purging the world of the depraved/damned Christians and decent people), green religion, multiple evolved races, nihilism, relativism, Luciferianism, Satanism, and multiculturalism.

O Lord! How long before You deliver our souls from the lying lips and deceitful tongues of wicked ideologues? Destruction is in our midst; oppression and deceit do not depart from our land. The raging soul sick enemies of our souls have opened wide their wicked and deceitful mouths against us; they speak mendacious lies against the righteous, pro-lifers, Donald Trump and all decent people with their lying tongues. They love evil more than good, falsehood more than speaking what is right. They even speak lies to one another; with flattering lips and a double-heart they deceive each other. They have taught their tongues to speak lies and weary themselves committing iniquity. (Psalm 120:2; Psalm 55:11; Psalm 109:2; Psalm 52:3; Psalm 12:2; Jeremiah 9:5)

As for the most powerful Global rulers and rulers of our nation, their hearts are intent on evil, and they speak lies to each other at the same table. They transgress and deny the Lord. They turn away from our Lord, speaking oppression and revolt. They conceive and utter lying words from their hearts while the rich and powerful of the cities speak lies as well, for their tongues are deceitful in their mouths. (Daniel 11:27; Isaiah 59:13; Micah 6:12)

Ideologues are of their father the devil, and they want to do his desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in the truth because there is no truth in him. Whenever he speaks a lie, he speaks from his own nature, for he is a liar and the father of lies. (John 8:44)

Rescue us, O Lord, out of the hand of the wicked, out of the grasp of perverse and ruthless ideologues. (Psalm 71:4) O Lord our Holy Righteous God, save us from evil men, execute your righteous justice against them and against all evil-doers who oppose your ways and your people. Make their lying words and treacherous ways into a snare; may it become a retribution and a trap. May their eyes be darkened so they cannot see. Let their lying lips be mute, feed them on ashes, pour out your wrath on them; let your fierce anger overtake them that they may know there is a righteous and Holy God who judges the earth and they would know what a fearsome thing it is to fall into the hands of the living God, the God they have rejected, declared dead, and mocked and ridiculed throughout their lives. (Psalm 69: 22-28)

As for Your children, restore our souls O Lord; guide us in the paths of righteousness for Your name’s sake so that even though we walk through the valley of the shadow of death, we will fear no evil, for You are with us. Your rod and Your staff, they comfort us. (Psalm 23: 3-4).

We pray in the name of the Crucified Risen Christ. Amen


1 thought on “Prayer Against Wicked Ideologues”

  1. Thanks for sharing this one, Linda, and for prompting the Lord Jesus’ people to put on the armor of God.

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