Neil Oliver Warns Evil Walks Among Us: “Christ and Christianity Firmly In Its Sights”

“If you’re watching something and you can’t understand it, that’s because you’re not meant to understand it. You’re only meant to be afraid.” 

Staff Writer, Caldron Pool, 7/24

Presenter and author, Neil Oliver, has said “evil walks among us,” and it has Christ and Christianity “firmly in its sights.”

In a video posted to his YouTube channel last week, the Scottish commentator noted that evil has always existed in this world but has become increasingly barefaced in recent years.

“If you’re still thinking that the madness about the world is about politics… If you still think that what we’re witnessing is a healthy tussle between competing but fundamentally rational ideologies, then I’m sorry to tell you, you’re falling for the ruse,” he said. “You’re still in the grasp of the illusion.”

According to Oliver, almost all that is being sown now is just chaos and destruction, with mass public confusion being the desired effect.

“If you can’t make sense of it, that’s because there’s no sense to be made of it,” he said. “If you’re watching something and you can’t understand it, that’s because you’re not meant to understand it. 

“You’re only meant to be afraid.”

Oliver warned that the mass confusion that is promoted by chaos ultimately cultivates mass fear, which then results in the frightened public turning to an “authority” to provide a safe and stable solution.

As such, we cannot understand the chaos unleashed on the world in political terms. It’s no longer “right” versus “left” but “good” versus “evil.”

“The ugly, but inescapable conclusion that must be drawn is that we’re dealing purely and simply with evil — that evil is real, that evil exists, and that it walks among us now.”

Oliver went on to say, “You’re dealing with a fight between good, which favours life, and evil, that works towards death.

“So, for me, the path to making sense of the world starts with answering the following question: Who is acting in favour of life and who is acting in favour of death?

“It is that simple,” he said.

“This world, this life, should not, need not be confusing,” Oliver added. “It’s being made confusing by those in service to the objective of causing destruction, sowing chaos, ending life.”

Neil Oliver Warns Evil Walks Among Us: “Christ and Christianity Firmly In Its Sights”

1 thought on “Neil Oliver Warns Evil Walks Among Us: “Christ and Christianity Firmly In Its Sights””

  1. Mr. Oliver is quite right but I think the concept of evil could use further analysis. That is, he quite accurately describes the symptoms but only ascribes it to evil in a general sense. We can use cause and effect to identify the evil cause of the symptoms.
    The evil presents itself firstly as deceit, by the boatload. It is spread around by consummate liars whose intention is to alter and then control human behavior.
    Out task is to reveal those lies for what they are and replace them with the Truth. I call that the Big Picture. If we can do that, then perhaps we can save many souls from perdition.
    Satan of course is the driver behind it all who strives to outwit God-fearing people to divert them away from God. We recall that the truth is not in him, and that’s what we use against him. He uses political language because that’s the only language that the Godless understand. He’s not dealing with the gods the Romans, the Greeks, ot the Egytians had because those were actually supernatural, whereas the Godless have no supernatural connection. They’re a law unto themselves; their own god.
    So we deal with deceitful political ploys.

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