Multiverse Theories are Based in Occult Science

Some scientists, such as NASA’s Sten Odenwald, have posited the multiverse theory to get out of the fine-tuning problem, and the whole universe seems to have begun in time with a “Big Bang” issue. By suggesting that we are merely one of a possibly infinite number of universes, then our universe is no longer “special” but merely a statistical likelihood, no matter how rare or unique it may seem. In other words, even if a life-permitting universe is only a one in a billion probability (in fact, it would be much lower odds than that), then given that there are an infinite number of universes, then at least one life-permitting universe must surely exist by now. Right? ”  (The Religion of Scientism: Creation Myths, Derek Caldwell, Embrace The Truth, 9/24)

Multiverse speculations are nothing new and certainly not Western science but rather occult science.  Occult science reaches back to Babylon, ancient Egypt, Aztecs and Mayans, modern India, ancient Greece, and elsewhere around the world and always connected to ancient and modern nature religions and Mystery Religions.

With occult science knowledge of the cosmos is derived from the out of body or in body experiences of mystics, sorcerers, god-men, and other practitioners of ancient occult rituals allowing for interface with intelligent beings in unseen dimensions. 

Modern Multiverse theories are predicated upon ancient Atomism (father of modern materialism) and mystical pantheism (father of modern New Age) thinking about the cosmos or Divine One Substance (also Divine Mind, Divine Spirit, Void, Abyss, Pleroma, etc).   In the multiverse idea multiple universes with their own earths and earthly inhabitants exist in other dimensions that can be reached by way of the Rainbow Highway. See Marvel’s Thor movies for a look at the Rainbow Highway or Tree idea.

So are there ‘dimensions’ within the universe created by the Word of God?  Yes, but they are not other universes replete with earths and earthly inhabitants.  They are holding places where the Word locked away powerful evil spirits from the time of Noah.  We can know something about these frightening entities through DMT research being carried out today. in some of our universities  

Reports brought back into our world by DMT users who have been transported into the abyss detail the existence of Space Brothers, Nordics, grays, praying mantises, mechanical elves, and a host of other entities. As travelers into the abyss return again and again into the abyss, their minds and wills come under the control of evil entities causing DMT trippers to view them as kind, helpful, and even loving. This is a delusion.

As the Word closes out history, the time will come (Rev. 9) when these terrifying entities will be released upon unbelievers in this world that is coming to an end.  


6 thoughts on “Multiverse Theories are Based in Occult Science”

    1. How about letting Scientific American tell you about DMT in their article, “New Clues Found in Understanding Near-Death Experiences: Research Finds Parallels in Certain Psycho-Active Drugs:”

      Prestigious secular universities are also conducting experiments using DMT.

      We should expect this great interest in “life beyond death” in our godless time where fear of death is endemic.

      BTW, DMT is derived from a plant used by S. American sorcerers. They chew on its leaves (and perhaps other parts) in order to experience an out of body experience where they interface with the ‘gods.’

      1. OK, I read the article. It takes the materialist view that humans are just a bag of chemicals which somehow secretes a hallucinogen like ketamine when death approaches. And it completely sidesteps the religious view that it could actually be a view into the next supernatural world. That’s the fatal error, thinking that it’s drug-induced when it’s actually a spiritual event occurring to spiritual beings.
        The drug induced ones are actual hallucinations but the NDE’s are not. Those are reality, a preliminary view of the spiritual world.
        I’d say that seeing one’s life flash before our eyes will be the basis for one’s judgement before God. I can’t offer more than that since I haven’t studied that phenomenon.

        1. That’s the fatal error, thinking that it’s drug-induced when it’s actually a spiritual event occurring to spiritual beings.

          Indeed, it is a fatal error. Ancient pagan mystics, sorcerers and so on knew better. They knew a dimension of spirit exists (the dimension of gods and goddesses) and sought entrance into that dimension by way of occult rituals that included mind-emptying meditation, certain drugs, and other such things.

          1. BTW, I learned the following from an episode on House M.D.: that when a hallucination is beleived to be real, then that is a delusion. Thus, those who have drug-induced hallucinations seeking a higher “truth” are delusional since it’s not real.

          2. The term ‘hallucination’ is used by materialists to reduce visions and other demonic or angelic interactions to movements of matter within the brain. So it is not used to get at the truth but it explain it away.

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