Meaning Behind Luciferian Paris Olympic Ceremonies

Global ‘Elites’ are actually Luciferian occult initiates. Most of them, if not all of them, practice modern evolutionary spirituality, a kind of Hindu evolutionary ascension to godlikeness that opens them, or gives ground to, forces of darkness. This means they are under the controlling influences of demons and Powers. Some of them are in varying stages of possession. This is why the opening and closing ceremonies of the Paris Olympics featured blood, beheadings, skulls, the Pale Horse of Revelation, a blasphemous rendition of the Last Supper, and during the closing ceremony, the evil gold/black skeletal figure that is most likely ‘Lucifer.,” the angel of light.

As the gold/black figure appears in unison with ghastly white figures writhing in pain, the gold/black figure may well symbolize the spirit of death who is now the real “christ,” the ruler of an astral plane where souls go upon death of body to await evolution and reincarnation into a new body on their way into christlikeness.

The Paris Olympic ceremonies symbolize occult concepts. As the occult is the kingdom of Satan we know that the Paris Olympic ceremonies are the work of Satan, demons, and Powers working through deceived, delusional human tools. The Ceremonies represent a dangerous deception with eternal consequences for all who succumb.

More to follow on this subject.


2 thoughts on “Meaning Behind Luciferian Paris Olympic Ceremonies”

  1. Thank you for your description of “woke” Olympics ceremonies. I wouldn’t watch any part of the Olympics, anymore than I would watch “woke” football or any other “woke” sport, so I go by other’s descriptions, reliable ones only.
    There was nothing we’d call “good” in those ceremonies, so the only alternative is evil.
    In the closing ceremony there are forces acting upon those seemingly human figures, but they’re not just inchoate random inanimate astral forces because there’s a “director” also present. This director has a somewhat human form but the comparison ends there because his appearance is otherwordly. Since the presentation is evil overall, then that’s Satan by default.
    The opening ceremony of course sets the tone of mocking what is good.
    If all of Europe is governed by such as these, then it’s lights out for them and onward to the Kingdom of Darkness, spiritual death, and desolation. God help them, because only He can.

  2. Didn’t watch any of the Olympics this year. Once I read about the opening ceremonies and the clear mockery of my Lord’s last supper I decided I could do without. I joyfully await the full post on this subject. Linda always delivers well-thought-out and illuminating viewpoints on each topic she writes about. Seems like there is nothing we can do to stop the world’s descent into full-blown wickedness… I read, I watch, I pray,… I imagine the citizens of past failed civilizations felt similarly. Come, Lord Jesus.

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