Matt Walsh Video: Here’s What Happened When I Tried to Spread the Truth at the DNC

2 thoughts on “Matt Walsh Video: Here’s What Happened When I Tried to Spread the Truth at the DNC”

  1. No Matt, you’re not a racist. You’re the designated fall guy of the widepread cultural Marxist con which creates phony class/race war scenarios of oppressor vs. oppressed, and whites are the designated “oppressors” of all the non-whites. That’s a Big Commie Lie, which is what Commies are best at because they don’t abide the Truth, any truth.
    Commies will always connive to create oppressor and oppressed conflicts, even to micro-aggressions like those in colleges. It’s all as the fake as the news media is.
    We’re all fellow Americans united under the Stars and Stripes which I proudly served under in the Air Force, Vietnam era. I still am proud of what the USA has always stood for – Truth, Justice, and the American Way.
    Let’s give the Commie lies what they deserve: our scorn, derision, our stern rebuke, and keep America American. Commie con artists have no place here.

  2. In closing to the above, I’d like to add:
    “One nation, under God”. We need not heed the Satanically derived stuff.

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