Psychologically Abusing Christians via the ‘New’ Definition of Love

Over on Gab this morning a Christian Irishman posted an article from the Belfast Telegraph, UK speaking about the acceptance of anti-reproductive homosexuality (anal sodomy).within the Presbyterian church. Here in America we also witness acceptance of anal sodomy within the full-spectrum of the Christian church spanning the Vatican through Protestant and Orthodox. (1)

Of many things that have gone wrong within the church, the turning upside down of Paul’s definition of love is paramount. It has allowed the anal sodomy lobby to adroitly posture themselves as victims of Christian ‘fundamentalism.’. Within the context of the ‘new’ definition of love progressive ministers, pastors, etc find it easy to manipulate the feelings of Christians sitting in the pews.

The anal sodomy lobby are not the only users of the ‘new’ definition of love to get their way. Very many morally corrupt pastors, ministers, and so on use it to their own advantage to throw rules they dislike under the bus or make other changes and will accuse the congregation of legalism or some such rationalized nonsense should the congregation or members of it object.

Psychological abuse consists if two main kinds: mental and emotional. The manipulation of Christians through a false definition of love is emotional abuse.

Overall, Westerners, Americans, and Christians have been subjected to both mental and emotional abuse for many long years. The real insurrectionists, for example, have made patriotic Westerners and Americans over into insurrectionists guilty of victimizing the real insurrectionists. Thus, American Patriots attending a Trump rally have been imprisoned and tormented for the sin of ‘false’ insurrection  and throughout the West truth tellers are accused of hate and ‘illegally’ persecuted and jailed.

Though each person has their own sins they are guilty of, we need to throw off the heavy shackles of false guilt placed on us by psychological abusers and hold the them accountable.


Belfast Telegraph article:

3 thoughts on “Psychologically Abusing Christians via the ‘New’ Definition of Love”

  1. This is a bit complicated so please bear with me if I don’t find all the right words.
    The “new” definition of love has nothing to do with love since LGBTQ is nothing but a deranged psychopathic sexual attraction.
    Love only comes from the heart, the heart that contains many other loves within it – higher things such as True Love, and love of Truth (morality), goodness and beauty, to name a few.
    Given that LGBTQ’s “love” what only pleases their derangement and wars against the rest of what the heart loves, then their disposition cannot be called love; it’s psychopathic in nature.
    Basically, their hearts are not connected to their minds, which is what makes us human. This can also be said of those who take up the LGBTQ’a cause, that they’re not fully human.
    Hearts and minds must work together ot else there’s chaos.

    1. We might simply the new definition of love like this: love the sin as well as the sinner. To not love the sin is to be a hater.

      1. That’s true, Anyone who doesn’t comply with their demands to love evil the way thay do is automatically a hater, a racist, a misognyist, ad nauseam.
        They’re just silly programmed robots without conscience who just respond to their silly ideological commands with no second thoughts, no original thoughts, that question them.
        Robots have no hearts. Neither do the media.

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