Psychopaths and sexual psychopaths are evil creatures of no conscience who think about other people in dehumanizing terms such human weeds and trash fit only to be used by psychopaths for their own purposes and then disposed of. Communist and Nazi psychopaths used human weeds Lenin described as useful idiots.
Useful idiots are people who are most often needy people who lack discernment, cannot see the consequences of their own actions, and who swallow down without question the feel-good lies of psychopaths. Such people are the preferred victims of psychopaths and sexual psychopaths.
Today there are Leftist and Muslim psychopaths in alliance who use “useful idiots” for their sinister purposes, one of which is the total eradication of Jews and their homeland. If they succeed in this agenda they’ll move on to Christians. Among the first to go will be useful idiot Christians.
Useful idiots—Christians, university students, and other gullible people– throughout Europe, Canada, and the USA are but tools of hate and destruction in the hands of psychopaths who will line them up and have them gunned down when they (psychopaths) have no more use for them. This is the way of psychopaths.
I’ve been noticing how the evil minds of psychopaths so closely resemble the evil minds of demons, as though they have the same evil ends in mind, which is to trash humanity, to bring about humanity’s demise, while they themselves reign supreme.
They’re very skilled liars since the truth is not in them, even to fooling others that right is wrong and vice versa.
You are right to notice the sameness. Human psychopathy is much like the demonic. However, Satan is the psychopath par excellence, and so the Antichrist will be. So if a human psychopath is capable of persuading many people to follow after him imagine the drawing power of Antichrist.
Yes. To do that he’ll likely pose as an imposter Christ, performing signs and wonders as described in Revelations. That would fool many. I’v read that would fool many Jews who still await a Messiah, since they’ve never accepted Jesus as Messiah.
Christians await a Second Coming but Jews await their First. Both are liable to fall for it.
Christians must understand that Christ will descend from the clouds accompanied by many angels, pretty much the same way He ascended into Heaven, and ignore all others as fakes.