Klaus Schwab, Soros, Pelosi, Boxer, and Co: Miserable Slaves to Vice

As Augustine reflected back on the fall of Rome he reached the conclusion that its dissolution and death was not due to enemies attacking from without but from massive corruption from within due to everyone from kings on down to slaves having as many demanding masters as they have vices. In other words, everyone lived under the dominion and addictive power of vice and evil. Evil because it is a parasite that lives off of good and consumes good until there is no more at which time comes the end. So Romans, from highest to lowest, were addicted to a combination of vices, from selfishness, to laziness, gluttony, lust for power, lust to be admired, lust for pleasure, sex, entertainment, free bread and circuses, and so on.

Addictive vices relentlessly drive their slaves ever downward, day in and day out, in pursuit of satisfaction of the relentless appetites of vices. As satisfaction of vice is brief, slaves must ever strive to fulfill appetite as often as vice demands. In this way, Rome’s citizens had been transformed from producers to mindless parasitic consumers of everything necessary for the life of Rome. They had become evil parasites living off of and consuming good until Rome was so weakened and unprotected that it was easily overcome by barbarians who set upon and killed the addicts.

““Nancy Pelosi, Barbara Boxer, Dianne Feinstein, Kamala Harris, Jerry Brown, Gavin Newsom. They’re all from the same place. They’re all from the same class. They’re all very wealthy. They all have estates, cabin’s living in a $9 million home. Jerry’s got a big Grass Valley estate. Feinstein had one of the most beautiful homes of Tahoe, Barbara Boxer’s at Rancho Mirage.”

They made sure that food is very expensive while there’s no natural gas. It doesn’t affect them, because they have enough money that they don’t really care about the rates. They can either get their income in capital gains it get write offs, they don’t really worry about it”. Victor Davis Hanson

Schwab, Soros, Pelosi, Boxer, and co. are malcontent human parasites dominated by addiction to vices, not the least of which is laziness, thus must consume vast quantities of goods produced by other people who they irrationally hate and want to destroy which will logically bring an end to the parasites themselves.

They are miserable addicts driven ever downward by their vices. Thus they cannot allow other people to have anything—food, gas, land, home, car, etc—because in the eyes of the gluttonous addict there is not enough to go around.

The man who has very little by comparison but is content and grateful for what he has in his life lives a human life and possesses far more than addicted parasites with all of their wealth. @Linda

1 thought on “Klaus Schwab, Soros, Pelosi, Boxer, and Co: Miserable Slaves to Vice”

  1. Please pardon me while I try to gather the rudiments of all this so as to have a coherent picture.
    The people described herein are crony capitalists who use their positions only to serve themselves and no one else. They take up atheist marxist leftist causes because there are no moral prohitions or self-restraints while they hate Christianity for its thou-shalt nots.
    They are abject and contemptible liars who pretend to represent and serve We The People when they only exist to serve themselves. They don’t care how We The People exist.
    To those who still have a code of ethics and moral conduct these people are abject and contemptible hypocrites. But alas they keep their positions because they live among constitutuents who also have loose moral standards.

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