Thoughts On King Charles Hellscape Portrait

At the highest levels of Global elitism are many Luciferians just as there are many Luciferians at the highest levels of power and control at national levels. Throughout our land are modern mystery cults whose initiates desire the mind of Lucifer. Lucifer who is Satan is not sane. His laugh is manical. Now connect this reality to Global and national level Luciferians who are, like their father, not sane. And again, like their father, they desire the depopulation (deaths) of billions of humans, the apex of our Lord’s creation. So the blood and gore King Charles recedes within might well symbolize the blood of billions of murder victims while the faint outline of Satan’s horned head in the blood symbolizes the evil one’s desire.

Whatever the esoteric meaning of King Charles portrait it is unnatural, horrifying, repugnant, and insane. Charles, who imagines he is superior and enlightened, is receding into a blood and gore hellscape with just his face and clawlike hands showing.

At his level of blindness and insanity he likely has a demon within himself, thus, cannot see that the demonic joke is on him, meaning the destination he is bound for is that hellscape. But if you are going to worship Lucifer/Satan you must expect the consequences.

He has brought back their wickedness upon them And will destroy them in their evil;The Lord our God will destroy them.    Psalm 94:23

Because they do not regard the works of the Lord Nor the deeds of His hands, He will tear them down and not build them up.    Psalm 28:5

How they are destroyed in a moment! They are utterly swept away by sudden terrors!   Psalm 73:19


2 thoughts on “Thoughts On King Charles Hellscape Portrait”

  1. A portrait/photograph which represents the consequences of personal choices brings the consequences of thoughts, ideologies, evil and visually depicts the consequences. A great example of pictures easily representing what scriptures tells us are the rejection of truth—-and consequences.

  2. Perhaps this is his admission that he played a role in princess Diana’s death and that he thinks this is the punishment due to him, even though there was no evidence whatsoever that implicated him in her death. Perhaps the butterfly signifies Princess Diana. Perhaps.
    But if not, since he’s a promoter of hellish Globalist warfare, then everything you said could still apply.

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