John Ankerberg Video: Entertaining Angels | UFOs and Alien Abductions

John Ankerberg Show, July, 2024

Alien abduction (also called abduction phenomenonalien abduction syndrome, or UFO abduction) refers to the phenomenon of people reporting what they believe to be the real experience of being kidnapped by extraterrestrial beings and subjected to physical and psychological experimentation. Wikipedia

Dr. Ross explains that angels are not constrained by the laws of physics or space-time dimensions. What does that mean for us in terms of our interactions with them?

1 thought on “John Ankerberg Video: Entertaining Angels | UFOs and Alien Abductions”

  1. What an excellent presentation by both doctors on the realities of unseen realities. Of course no one can see unseen realities, we can only consult the Bible wherein they’re described to us. Woe to those who don’t heed It’s words because those words will never pass away, only those conjured by silly men.
    Yes, I’ve experienced two or three times when I (later) thought I’d encountered an angel. One was a good one who rescued me and my car from being stranded on a patch of icy road on my way to work. A man driving a pickup stopped on the opposite side of the road, pulled out a shovel, and shoveled sand from his truck bed to under my wheels. That got me unstuck and made me decide to cancel my drive to work and go home. But he left before I could thank him. That was good angel behavior to me.
    Another time when I was a city bus driver, a man came in and sat down on the front side seat opposite me. He had negroid features except for his white skin and clear, light grey eyes, which looked very unusual to me. He began discussing topics which I didn’t know about ( I wasn’t yet intellectually oriented, just practically oriented). But the strange thing was that when I attempted a response my mind felt cloudy, not normal, so I couldn’t think coherently. Afterward I decided it was an evil presence.
    I used to believe in UFO’s from reading about them in my youth, and that’s when I saw some strange occurrences. When I stopped believing in them, the occurrences stopped too. From that I surmise that they know who’s watching them. Only angelic beings, the worst kind, would know who they’re fooling and who they’re not.

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