Liz Crokin on X
It’s happening. And this is a video everyone in the world needs to see!
It’s not for the faint of heart but the world needs to see it to understand the gravity of the evil that’s happening in this country and globally against children. DISCLAIMER: This video has disturbing images in it but none of the content is illegal nor does the content in this video violate X’s Terms of Service. I’m certain
The Lord be praised!
I frankly can’t understand the depths of depravity of those who sexualize innocent children. Such depravity cannot be human but the rotten fruit of demonic idolaters.
GOD rules forever and they will answer to Him for it. But they should first answer for their crimes in the here and now.
Amen brother!
Amen to you as well.
I’m back to revise my above statement to say:
Such depravity cannot come from human nature since that only results in love and nurturing of children. Such depravity rather points to a demonic nature which despises human nature and loves doing evil.
I’m suggesting that it’s not just fallen human nature, which does good things for children, but rather another malevolent nature. Call it being “under the influence” of one or more demons, like DUI. If it happened to Nietzsche, Stalin, and Jung, it can happen to others.
That’s my take.