How Trump Was Placed in a ‘Kill Box’ to Allow for His Assassination (Videos)

Texans Jack and Dodie, Clever Journeys, 8/11/24

Journalist Benny Johnson traveled to Butler, Pennsylvania, with US Reprenstatives Eli Crane and Cory Mills to investigate the Trump July 13, 2024 assassination attempt that occurred just days before.

Congressman Eli Crane is a qualified lead sniper for his SEAL Team 3 platoon.

Congressman Cory Mills ran sniper operations serving in the Army 82nd Airborne Division and the State Department. 

Both have constitutional oversite over the US Secret Service (USSS).

5  Fatal Secret Service Security Failures 

Specifically, they focused on five fatal security failures that created the conditions for Trump to get shot:

1. Rooftop kill zones

2. Security dead zones

3. OverWatch

4. Sniper’s nest

5. Communications collapse

“Twenty seconds in Pennsylvania will change America forever, yet the government has told us nothing,” stated Johnson. “In fact, the Secret Service has lied to the American people multiple times about that day. We needed answers, so our team traveled to Butler, Pennsylvania, the assassination site. What we found is worse than you can possibly imagine.”

Rep. Crane acknowledged before they began their onsite investigation that he wanted “to know why there weren’t counter-snipers on the tower. I want to know who made the call to send the shooters or the security team outside of that second-story window that had clear coverage over the shooter.”

“I also want to know where this young 20-year-old kid with no military experience got his training because I’m hearing he had advanced explosives,” he continued. “I mean, at the end of the day, we’ve got to figure out how a 20-year-old kid acting alone by himself got within 150 yards of one of the most powerful, one of the most loved, but also one of the most hated individuals on the entire planet.”

The Kill Box

“All of these elements combine into what the military calls a kill box,” Johnson explained. “A kill box is a three-dimensional target area designed to facilitate the maximum likelihood of a casualty event. On July 13th, Trump was in the kill box. This is shockingly close. An officer on the roof would have prevented this entirely.”

Thomas Crooks’ “movements were slow, lumbering, and obvious to anyone with a line of sight. Crooks even pointed a gun at police officers and rallygoers alike who were filming him from the ground,” Johnson explained. “Police had completely surrounded Crooks by the time he was in the position to fire on Trump.”

“The agents we spoke with say they’ve never seen a setup like this, and it gets much, much worse,” he said. “…The acting director of the Secret Service says he does not know what happened in this location, but we do.”

“So Crooks was able to crawl across a rooftop and fire on President Trump while this fully equipped sniper’s nest, with a perfect view of the assassin’s position, was left totally unmanned. This humiliating error happened because Secret Service did not have command, control, and communication with local teams.”

“The assassin would have been easily identified and tracked with modern overwatch capabilities, yet drone technology was not used by the Secret Service and was turned down when locals offered.”

“The water tower in Butler is a point of great controversy, not because there was a shooter there but because there wasn’t,” Johnson commented. “Why was there no sniper team positioned as overwatch on the highest point in the entire county during the Trump rally?”

They discussed a “security dead zone,” an area at an event where the general public can enter and exit without ever being screened by security. 

For some very suspicious reason the USSS allowed a three-acre security dead zone “eighty yards away from President Trump with a clear line of sight to the stage that conveniently happened to be right in front of the AGR manufacturing building.”

Mills explained that assassins “could have parked on the side of the road, walked that back path by the water tower, and come straight to this point. You’re one hundred yards without even having ever touched the security element.”

Elaborating more on the Kill Box, the stage where Trump was shot, Johnson disclosed that “according to all of our sources, these roofs over here and the roof over there, none of that had any security on it. There were open rooftops in every direction.”

Read More and Watch Videos:

How Trump Was Placed in a ‘Kill Box’ to Allow for His Assassination

1 thought on “How Trump Was Placed in a ‘Kill Box’ to Allow for His Assassination (Videos)”

  1. It’s for certain that the Secret Service had very lax security. The question is, are they always and everywhere that lax, or is that laxness only for politicians they don’t like? The other security agencies could be posed the same question.

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