1 thought on “It’s Not About Race But Haitian Voodoo Culture: Pastor Defends Trump About Dogs And Cats! Says Election is Critical”

  1. This pastor is absolutely right: the Devil is a liar and deceiver and so are they.
    Alex Jones describes it exactly right calling it Infowars because information wars are what the media does with their Fifth Columnist’s propaganda lies and deceit.
    It was in WWII that the role of Fifth Columnist’s propaganda lies was first recognized as coming from Hitler supporters. The only difference between then and now is that now almost the entire media is Fifth Columnists arrayed against, and at Infowar with, the USA. And there’s no shortage of them in other areas either, such as scholastics, entertainment, and government. They all want to control the present, the past, and the future, by any corrupt means necessary. Corrupt, because they have no Godly moral restraints, just secular ideologies which have no Truth in them, only lies.

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