False Reality: What Progressives and Luciferians Have in Common with Islamists

What do Progressives, Secular Humanists, Transhumanists, and Luciferians hold in common with Islamists? Answer: they exist within a false reality whose main constructs were communicated—somewhere in the past—from the unseen demonic dimension. 

This is as true of Hinduism and Islamism as it is of Progressivism, et al. 

Consider, for instance, John Dewey’s claim “you have no soul.” Dewey was a prominent Progressive and father of progressive education. Dewey’s claim resides in a message Buddha received while in a meditative trance state. A ‘voice’ from the unseen dimension spoke into the mind of Buddha, saying “you have no soul.” 

This teaching from the demonic realm has been handed down generation after generation and geographical area to geographical area until it reached the Atomists in Greece, the are the fathers of modern materialism. Then finally we hear Dewey claiming to have no soul. 

And what of evolutionary materialism, the proposition that all that exists is the Void, energy, and matter? This thinking ultimately derives from Hinduism’s Divine Void (nothingness), evolution to a higher plane of consciousness, and reincarnation into a new body.

What about Darwinism? This too stretches back to ancient Greece, thence to the plains of Shinar.

These propositions from the demonic realm undergird and inform the false reality of our own oligarchy and the globalists they serve In short, a false reality has overtaken the former Christ ianWest and America. 

Like Islam, it censors true truth and true reality. It must do so lest it collapse upon itself in a heap of lies, fantasy, denial, and deceptions.  @Linda

See The Global Left Shares a Playbook with Islam, Raymond Ibrahim

1 thought on “False Reality: What Progressives and Luciferians Have in Common with Islamists”

  1. This is quite correct. I’d say their false realities come from them looking for “truths” in all the wrong places, in the darkness where it doesn’t exist. When they settle on a “truth”, it comes from their own vain inaginations and becomes their object of worship, a false idol.
    This is why The Truth had to be revealed, because men lost in the darkness couldn’t find it. Not only that, but The Truth in the person of Jesus Christ came to save them and set them free of their captivity to sin and of their blindness.
    They are dead men walking until they see The Light.

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