Facing God’s Judgment

James Jeffrey, Ap Australia

“And just as it is appointed for man to die once, and after that comes judgment…”(Hebrews 9:27)

In his 1971 hit single ‘Imagine,’ John Lennon sang the following lyrics: “Imagine there’s no heaven. It’s easy if you try. No hell below us. Above us, only sky.”

I think it’s fair to say that many Australians follow Lennon’s philosophy, particularly when it comes to hell. Many naturally find the concept of hell deeply troubling, and so it is easier to ‘imagine’ such a place does not exist at all.

Australians are happy with a God of love. However, we find it difficult to believe in a God who judges sinners by casting them into eternal, conscious torment.

Therefore, as a culture, we have decided it is socially unacceptable to speak of God’s judgment. In fact, we don’t even talk about death. It is offensive to our modern ears to speak about such things.

However, we need to stop and ask ourselves this:

“Why do we find death and hell so difficult to talk about?”

After all, you don’t get offended if someone talks about Santa punishing you with coal for being naughty. You don’t get offended if someone tells you that the Easter Bunny is running late.

You don’t get angry if someone mentions unicorns or the tooth fairy. We don’t get offended by things that we know are not true.

So, why is it that we find the idea of God’s judgment so deeply offensive to discuss? Why are we deeply unsettled by the idea of hell?

Could it be that deep-down, we all know that God’s judgment is a reality we must all, one day face?

Why Don’t We Talk About Death?

I think there are two reasons we don’t like to talk about death.

FIRST, when someone brings up the subject of death or God’s judgment, we are reminded of our mortality. We are reminded that we will not live forever, and this is scary. Death reminds us that we are not actually in control of our lives.

SECOND, death reminds us that we will be held accountable for the way we lived our lives. No sin will be left unpunished by the God who sees all. Death reminds us that there are consequences for our actions. 

We Run Away from God

No one doubts the existence of God; rather, we suppress it (Rom 1:18). Just as a prisoner does not doubt the existence of the police, neither do we doubt the existence of God. We just run away from Him.

Every single person to have walked the planet (bar one) is guilty before the Living God. We have all fallen short of His glory (Romans 3:23). We have failed to give Him the glory He deserves.

We have taken the good things He gave us and used them to make a name for ourselves. We have worshipped idols instead of the one who made us.

A Thought Experiment

If you don’t agree with this, let’s do a thought experiment.

Imagine there was a DVD, and contained on it was every thought, word, and deed you have ever performed. Every single moment of your life recorded on a DVD.

Would you be comfortable to show this DVD to anyone? Not in a million years.

Do you still think that you are innocent before the Living God? Not a chance. 

God has promised in His Word that a Day of Judgment is coming (Hebrews 9:27). God knows and sees all things. Therefore, He will judge righteously and perfectly, bringing to light everything that was hidden.

On that day, He will hold every person accountable for every sin they have committed. It is a terrifying and glorious reality.

Living in Denial

When confronted with the reality of our sin, we either deny it in pride or rationalise it with excuses. If this fails, we seek to justify ourselves.

We make a list of the ‘good things’ we’ve done, hoping they will outweigh the bad. Yet, like a good judge, God will not be bribed.

As the great Jonathan Edwards preached: “…all your righteousness would have no more influence to uphold you and keep you out of hell than a spider’s web would have to stop a falling rock.”

If hell is our destination, is there any way we can be saved from the wrath of God?

The Only Saviour

The most glorious and wonderful news of the Bible is that God has not left us to perish. Though we deserve to be condemned for our sin, God has not left us without hope.

The Father sent His only Son, Jesus Christ, to be our substitute. Jesus was crushed at the cross and bore the weight of our sin upon His shoulders. Jesus was then raised from the dead to redeem us the curse of sin, granting us the promise of everlasting life.

Those who trust in the finished work of Jesus Christ will NEVER face God’s judgment for their sin. Instead, God promises to clothe them in the perfect, pure, and spotless righteousness of Jesus Christ.

The promise of God’s judgment in Hebrews 9:27 is followed by these beautiful words: “so Christ, having been offered once to bear the sins of many, will appear a second time, not to deal with sin but to save those who are eagerly waiting for Him” (9:28)

No other religion will save you, because no other religion has a Saviour. Jesus alone has the power to deliver you from the judgment of God. He is the only Redeemer who paid the penalty to redeem us from hell once and for all.

There is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.

Do you believe this?

How Will You Respond?

Have you been living in denial? Come to Christ today. Stop making excuses and admit to Jesus that you need Him. Bring your sin and your shame to Him, knowing He promises to forgive those who repent and believe.

Have you been angry at God? Surrender control of your life to Him and ask for His forgiveness. Trust that He has saved many sinners just like you, and He is a gracious Saviour.

Are you a Christian? Spend some time now praising God for not treating you as your sins deserve. Thank God for His salvation and rejoice that Your name is written in the Book of Life

Closing Prayer

Dear Father,

When I look at myself, I cannot see how I could be saved. However, when I look at Jesus Christ, I cannot see how I could be lost. Holy Spirit, I praise and worship You today for opening my eyes to the gospel of Jesus Christ. Fill my heart with gratitude for all He has done for me.

In His Name I pray,
