Elon Musk’s Warning: Death Cult Intends to Destroy America, the West, and World

The dark dream of destroying the world and building a utopia on the ashes and blood of the hated old order was the dream of Karl Marx, who hated Jesus Christ with a vengeance. Like many of his death cult comrades, Marx was demonized, meaning his mind was in bondage to demons, making his dream the work of demons.

Fyodor Dostoevsky knew that about Marx and comrades, thus, long before the events unfolded, he foresaw the blood bath and civilizational catastrophe that would sweep over Orthodox Russia after Marxist revolutionaries seized control. He also foresaw the collapse of the Soviet Union and predicted that death cult revolutionaries would openly turn to Satan, the one they call Lucifer, for help in actualizing the dream of utopia built upon the blood and ashes of the hated old world order.

The dream has not gone away, as Musk now warns us. It is s Satanic dream work in the minds of Globalists who anally rape children and ritually sacrifice them to Lucifer. We need to take very seriously that we are in the midst spiritual warfare working through the captured minds of today’s death cult. We need intercessory prayer and prayer warriors.


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