Elemental Spirits: Ancient, Modern, Evolutionary, Geo-Engineers

ChatGPT’s implied message: “Your time is almost up. If you really want to continue your reign as the dominant species on Earth, here’s your challenge. Try to control me and my kind, or step aside.” Pandora’s box has been opened and will likely never be shut again. As a result, life on earth is about to change.” (ChatGPT is Coming For the World, Technocracy News Editor)

ELEMENT (ELEMENTAL SPIRIT), ELEMENTS (στοιχεῖον, G5122, pl. στοιχεῖα). KJV tr. “elements” (Gal 4:392 Pet 3:1012); “rudiments” (Col 2:820), and “first principles” (Heb 5:12). RSV tr. “elemental spirits” in Galatians and Colossians, “elements” in 2 Peter and “first principles” in Hebrews.     ENCYCLOPEDIA OF THE BIBLE – ELEMENT (ELEMENTAL SPIRIT), ELEMENTS

A variety of meanings are associated with the term elemental spirits.  It might describe the rudiments (ie, the ABCs) of a system of knowledge or religion as in Hebrews 5:12.  It can also refer to the elemental substances of the world, as in 2 Peter 3:10

The term also describes personified beings as “elemental spirits.” These could be personifications of natural forces, or individual demons and fallen powers and principalities and their teachings, as in Colossians 2:820 Galatians 4:39 as well.

In “Christ and the Powers,” Hendrik Berkhof describes elemental spirits as the rulers of the modern age (1 Corinthians 2:6) who in their desire to rule are in enmity toward the Lord of Glory. (p. 30). From ancient times in their guise as storm gods, they were the original geo-engineers behind all manner of violent storm, drought, and other natural disaster. In modern times it was fallen Powers who facilitated Nietzsche’s nihilistic philosophy, Darwinism, Jung’s psychology, Marxist Communism and Hitler’s Nazi regime. They are also behind Luciferian Globalism and its drive to devour the world and its people. Then too, they are the so-called extraterrestrials of our time. Hathor, of the best-selling book UFO of God was an ancient Egyptian horned goddess now pretending to be an extraterrestrial emissary of the divine one substance. Already she/it has a large and growing following among the intelligence community, high ranking military and others.

Berkhof says the Powers were the ancient gods and goddesses of old whose domination of the world was ended when Jesus was crucified and rose from the dead:

Wherever this saving event is proclaimed, the domination of the world powers is at an end.  This certainly is the center of everything Paul says about the Powers.”  p. 36

In his book, “American Babylon,” Father Richard John Neuhaus argues that in our own time, astrological elemental spirits (powers and principalities) have recast themselves as evolutionary dynamics,

“…life forces, or laws of nature.” Though described as laws rather than spirits, these elemental “forces”…. work their inexorable ways in cold indifference to reason, to will, to love, and to hope. In short, it is suggested that the elemental spirits are in charge and that human freedom is a delusion.” (p. 226)

Karma is an example of Neuhaus’s first definition, and his second definition is exemplified, for example, by the Kundalini goddess coiled at the bottom of the ethereal spine chakra. Kundalini is serpent power, another name for the elemental spirits of evolution. 

In his own time, Paul warned against becoming slaves of elemental spirits. And with good reason since they can pass right through the earth, enter into animals and speak and act through them as easily as through water, trees, statues, and possessed humans such as Indian gurus and Karl Marx. 

Already, the minds of millions of Westerners and Americans have been captured by the teachings of Nietzsche, Jung, Darwinism, and Marxism, making their minds strongholds of serpent power. And as Artificial Intelligence ChatGPT poses no barrier in any way to demons and Powers they will be speaking through it and bringing the unbelieving world to its knees in no time. 

When our Lord says, “come out of her my people,” He isn’t speaking about a physical city but of the teachings of demons and fallen Powers.


1 thought on “Elemental Spirits: Ancient, Modern, Evolutionary, Geo-Engineers”

  1. You do a marvelous job of identifying the many unseen evil and elemental spirits at work in the world of man (“Elementary, my dear Watson.”).
    It’s a wonder to me how any goodness can exist all. There’s a Bible passage I think explains that which says, “all things work together for the good…, which means that God is still in charge, even though we don’t understand why He allows evil to prosper as we’ve seen today and in history.
    As to ChatGPT, that is not a legal entity, but it’s creators are legal entities. That means they can be held liable for any deaths or destruction wrought by their computer programs, the same as any other product can. It would behoove the ChatGPT progammers to program human controls, perhaps a “kill” switch, into their dictatorial program which implies homicide.

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