Demonic Onslaught in the West: When It Began

 Research shows the presence and influence of evil Powers working within the West since the Renaissance. Within the heart of Christendom they facilitated the appearance of ancient Mysteries, Hermeticism (magic science) and other creeds from the time of Babylon and Egypt plus Buddhism, Hinduism, evolution, reincarnation, and karma. Many Christians at the upper levels of church and society rejected Christs offer of salvation in favor these teachings. It’s for this reason CS Lewis refers to the Renaissance as the high noon of magic because behind magic are the real magicians–demons.

From that time forward contact increased, with voice ideas spoken into the minds of Communist revolutionaries such as Marx; Zarathustra’s twos encounters with Nietzsche; Philemons extensive contact with Jung; the Brotherhood and Djwali Khul with Blavatsky, and then Diwali Khul’s extensive encounters with Alice Bailey. Blavatsky and Bailey are the architects of New Age spirituality.

Djwal Kuhl was thought by deceived Theosophists to be a member of the Spiritual Hierarchy or Brotherhood of Mahatmas, making him one of the Masters of Ancient Wisdom. Masters are defined as spiritual guides of mankind and teachers of ancient cosmological, metaphysical, and esoteric principles from the world’s mythologies, philosophies, and spiritual traditions. In other words, he taught monism (All is One), mystical pantheism, biological and spiritual evolution, reincarnation, karma, and man is god—the cosmology, philosophy, and spirituality from Babylon that in our own time has returned as Perennial Philosophy.

In our time teachings from evil spirits are found on the shelves of book stores and broadcast by Oprah Winfrey. Additionally, encounters between humans and Space Brothers—evil spirits pretending to be extraterrestrials–is increasing. Then there are DMT users transported into the abyss where they encounter Space Brothers, Nordics, grays, dwarves, insectoids, and many other frightening beings.

Moving on to Yuval Harari, guru to Klaus Schwab and the WEF, it appears he receives voice ideas during his daily mind-emptying Vipasana meditation ritual. When Harari teaches that men have no souls, he is repeating the very teaching received by Buddha during his own daily Vipasana meditation ritual. This idea from the dark side was incorporated into mystical pantheism as the doctrine of non-self and then over time accepted and taught by Ancient Greek Atomists and modern materialists and Progressives.

Now we witness the bold incursion into our dimension by Hathor, the so-called Lady featured in Chris Bledsoe’s bestseller, UFO of God. Hathor was one of ancient Egypt’s horned goddesses. Now she/he is back posing as an extraterrestrial. Her teachings have much in common with Khuls teachings. High ranking military and Intelligence officers are running after the Lady and her teachings.

From the Renaissance to our own time, it’s the spiritually deceived who have been defining themselves as the Wests and America’s best and brightest, the so-called scientifically enlightened crowd who have been mocking and scoffing at orthodox Christianity and orthodox Christians.


2 thoughts on “Demonic Onslaught in the West: When It Began”

  1. Once God is rejected, then evil becomes a bottomless pit: the explosive proliferation of wickedness in all its forms, the doctrines of demons (especially in pulpits), the exponential manifestation of “Jezebels” everywhere in society, mind-blowing cognitive dissonance/derangement being displayed everywhere, the saturation of culture with gnostic occult beliefs, child sacrifice on a massive scale via abortion, pedophilia and trans genderism, endless evidence of reprobate/debased psyches, the endemic growth of apostacy in Christendom, Luciferian-inspired technology invading and controlling one’s very soul; all these features and so much more indicate demonic possession on an unprecedented scale. As is sometimes said out there, “What did you expect the end times to look like?” It probably isn’t a good idea for true believers to get swept away with the contemporary political currents however appealing since a spiritual dynamic is at play: “When people are saying ‘There is peace and security,’ then sudden destruction will come upon them as labor pains come upon a pregnant woman, and they will not escape.” (1 Thessalonians 5:3).

    God’s advice, “Abstain from every form of evil.” (5:22), and
    “In all your ways acknowledge him…” (Proverbs 3:6)

    Thank you, Linda, for this post. Prayers for you.

    1. It’s the final paragraph of my post where the tables are turned on the so-called scientifically enlightened that really angers them. That plus they simply cannot believe in existence of the supernatural dimension, angels, demons, and so. on. Naturalism and materialism are strongholds over their minds. But then, this is all part of the days we are living in.

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