3 thoughts on “Darwin’s Theory Destroyed by Complexity of DNA”

  1. There’s no question that the hosts of this show were completely knowledgeable of their subject and were well versed in it. Unfortunately, I’m not, so they lost me shortly after they began. Anyway, I’ve already rejected evolution on the same grounds they were expanding upon.
    Built upon false notions, evolution belongs in the dustbin of history. I’d expect that those who insist on an alternative to Creation will just keep on looking for other false notions.

    1. Correction: I meant to say that they could converse very easily in it.
      “Well versed” is redundant. Sorry.

  2. the molecular machines are what astounds me……..truly if men were without excuse 1000s of years ago, surely they have received the strong delusion from God now, as the just judgement for loving the lie (abiogenesis and evolution) and delighting in wickedness (license to sin)

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