Danger Dimension Travelers: Why and How They Risk Losing Their Souls

Now the question is should we. Should we intentionally mess with this dimension. Should we seek to, for example, learn how to remote view? Or should we take heavy psychedelics and seek to interact with entities that we meet on our trips? Should we try to contact the dead?” The Danger Dimension: How Spiritualism and the Occult are Messing with Something They Shouldn’t, Lewis Ungit

 DMT users travel out of body or otherwise into the danger dimension, or one might say, into the occult dimension, which is Satan’s playground.   These deluded travelers, however, believe they’re traveling into utopia.   They report interactions with insectoids, dwarves, reptilians, Nordics, Space Brothers and other bizarre and frightening beings.  

Far more frightening is they also discover that the more they travel there the more they lose the will to resist, so must go back and back and back.  What is happening to them is that demons and other evil spirits are increasingly influencing the minds of danger dimension travelers and also increasingly seizing control of their will.   When finally the will can no longer function it can no longer resist, so the travelers soul becomes the property of forces of darkness.   Only the Lord Jesus can heal the mind and will of Satan’s human property but where there’s no will to seek Him out then there is no hope.  


1 thought on “Danger Dimension Travelers: Why and How They Risk Losing Their Souls”

  1. So then, they set out like explorers looking for the riches of a City of Gold and instead get lost, perhaps hopelessly, in the gloomy shadows where very little light penetrates and can’t find their way back. They become true denizens of the darkness, sadly.

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