Cultural Marxism Is Destroying America

Moses Aspostaticus, Daily Caller, 8/2016

Yet again an American city is being torn apart by black rioters. The images we see of the violence in Charlotte do not resemble the country we know. At the same time, high school footballers, cheerleaders and even American servicemen are following Colin Kaepernick’s lead by kneeling during the national anthem. Many Americans are baffled. 

How is it that eight years after Obama promised a post-racial America and fifty-two years after the Civil Rights Act was passed, Americans are more divided by race than ever before? 

It is certainly not for lack of resources being thrown at the problem. American universities have Black Studies Departments, corporations have diversity trainers and racial staffing quotas and the mainstream media covers race issues constantly. Despite all of this, the divisions keep worsening.

This trend is not being driven by white prejudice. It is being driven by ideology. The reason race relations in America continue to deteriorate is the cultural Marxist philosophies being taught relentlessly in schools and colleges across the nation. 

Many Americans are familiar with political correctness, yet may not be familiar with its origins in cultural Marxist theory. While classical Marxism argued that capitalism and the class structure it created must be overthrown because it is oppressive to workers, cultural Marxism argues that it is not economics that creates oppression but rather the nuclear family, traditional morality and concepts of race, gender and sexual identity. These are the chains of tyranny which must be broken by revolution.

Modern woman, are you unhappy in your marriage? Are the responsibilities of motherhood and the burdens of work getting you down? Patriarchy! Black man, do you feel hard done by? Does it seem like the deck is always stacked against you and you can’t get a break? Racism! Gay man, are you tired of the sneers and microaggressions of straight men? They’re afraid that they’re gay too. That’s why they hate you! 

These are the narratives which are paraded endlessly in our education system. They are not natural or accidental. They have been constructed by intellectuals and academics who have had a radical agenda to transform the nation, and benefit themselves in the process. 

Believers in these doctrines of straight, white male oppression today call themselves liberals. This is a post-war fabrication designed to deceive everyday Americans about their revolutionary agenda. They are not liberals. They are Marxists.

Cultural Marxism is the Marxist dialectic fused with Freudian theory and applied to identity and culture. Like all forms of Marxism, it is based upon categorizing people into abstract groups and then creating a narrative of historical oppression between them. The strategy of Marxists is always to cultivate a victimized group and then convince its members that solidarity is required against the oppressors. This creates resentment and hatred and is how Marxist ideologies fulfill their revolutionary objectives.

Cultural Marxism is the Marxist dialectic fused with Freudian theory and applied to identity and culture. Like all forms of Marxism, it is based upon categorizing people into abstract groups and then creating a narrative of historical oppression between them. The strategy of Marxists is always to cultivate a victimized group and then convince its members that solidarity is required against the oppressors. This creates resentment and hatred and is how Marxist ideologies fulfill their revolutionary objectives.

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1 thought on “Cultural Marxism Is Destroying America”

  1. This describes it quite well. Communism didn’t end with the fall of the Soviet Union, it was brought to the USA surreptitiously. The cultural Commies of the Frankfurt School who came from pre-war Germany were welcomed into American universities with no questions asked, even as the students were demonstrating with “Better Dead than Red” banners. They found no significant opposition to their cultural Marxism. They found their expression in the disloyal students rioting against the Vietnam War which was against Communist North Vietnam.
    It is Socialist Marxism that instigates cultural social warfare of all kinds, including class, race, sexual, even gender warfare. They create issues to fight over where none even exist.
    The USA was founded on individual liberty and justice for all, whereas the social justice wipes out any individual’s rights. Social justice cannot be democratic, only justice which safeguards individual rights can be. Social justice is totalitarianism.

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