Contemporary Antinomianism in Today’s Church

The lengthy essay, “Christianity and Functional Liberalism…” posted on PatriotandLiberty, is vitally important to our understanding of the toxic presence of functional liberalism (antinomianism) within many churches today. Though we may have forgotten what it looks and sounds like in practice, this essay will open your eyes and ears.

At the heart of functional liberalism is denial of moral law, thus sin, and all church-related standards and requirements grounded in moral law and Paul’s definition of love, the functional liberal will ‘throw under the bus’ in favor of his own authority issuing in self-gratification and desires. Anyone within the church body who tries to hold the functional liberal to account will be ‘authoritatively’ accused of legalism, moralism, or of trying to impose the traditions of men.. In this way the functional liberal frames him or herself as the innocent victim of the one trying to hold the liberal to account.


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