Constant Carnal Gratification: The Right That Trumps All Other Rights In a Meaningless World

Millions of Americans believe they are products of nature, meaning chance plus evolution. Thus there is no rhyme or reason for their existence. They don’t really know just what they are so they invent increasingly weird identities. They exist by chance, will exist in a chaotic meaningless world for a while, then die and disintegrate into the dirt. So since this is all there is, then let’s eat, party, do drugs, drink, gamble, and have carnal knowledge of other bodies, from babies to toddlers, to young children and teens, and on to whatever suits their appetite.

Nihilism (meaninglessness) is the constant drum beat the products of evolution march to.


The Matt Walsh Report

Don’t Let an Outbreak Interrupt Your Orgy

Following in the footsteps of New York and Illinois, California officially declared a state of emergency due to the monkeypox outbreak. And in San Francisco, a day before the virus was declared a statewide emergency, an annual gay fetish festival was still held, as scheduled. 

Your grandfather died alone in a nursing home because you weren’t allowed to visit him due to COVID, and your kids were locked out of school for a year, but gays in San Francisco were still having their sex festival even amid an outbreak that specifically spreads through those sorts of events. 

Now, there are several reasons why gay people are allowed — rather, encouraged — to continue running around town having sex with strangers during monkeypox while the rest of us were made to put our whole lives on hold during COVID. The most obvious reason is that gays are a protected, privileged class, and therefore they have different rules from the rest of us. But there’s something else, too, and it’s this: the Left believes that no right is as sacred as the right to sexual gratification. In fact, by their doctrines, there really is no right other than the right to sexual gratification.

Every right boils down to this one. Every liberty is grounded in it. We have no right to do anything, except satisfy ourselves sexually. In their dreary, miserable view of the world, there is no meaning to life other than the pursuit of temporary carnal pleasure. This is why they cannot bear to abstain, or tell others to abstain, even amid a monkeypox outbreak. A life without immediate constant sexual satisfaction is a life without meaning or purpose. This right trumps all. It certainly trumps any concern for safety or health. This is what lies at the heart of the “public health” approach to monkeypox, and at the heart of every other insane thing in our culture. 

1 thought on “Constant Carnal Gratification: The Right That Trumps All Other Rights In a Meaningless World”

  1. We live in intemperate times, whereas previous times were more temperate. Today’s hedonistic times give free reign to the lusts of the flesh, whereas in previous times Christianity’s spiritual role was recognized to condemn and to refrain from such things, which maintained a sane healthy society.
    Without Christian temperance, the present time cannot govern itself in the chaos of intemperance. This will likely invite brutal rulers into power who will approve such hedonism.
    Unrestricted sex is an error that can never satisfy or fulfill anyone because it’s a wicked delusion. Only Christian spirituality can accomplish that fulfillment, and only within God-ordained marriage.
    It’s not a sane society that upholds hedonism.

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