
Three Marks of Progressive-Lite Evangelicals

In the name of “niceness,” they are dulling the sharp edge of the call for repentance that our world desperately needs to hear. Drake Isabell, The Aquila Report, 12/23 For all their talk of evenhandedness, winsomeness, and giving others the benefit of the doubt, these ideals are tossed out the window the minute the discussion […]

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Death and the Intermediate State

Dennis Johnson, Tabletalk Magazine, 12/22 Death and the intermediate state—the interim between death and the resurrection—are included under the heading of last things, but they are not the last things that will happen. The very last things are the glorious return of our risen, reigning Lord Jesus; the resurrection of the just and the unjust;

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Who Were the ‘Sons of God’ in Genesis 6?

Gary Bates, Probably the most often-used and controversial passage of Scripture by pro-ETH (extra-terrestrial hypothesis) UFOlogists is the account of “the sons of God” and their resultant offspring, the Nephilim. The description in Genesis 6:1–7 reads: When man began to multiply on the face of the land and daughters were born to them, the sons of

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2 Cor. 10:5…What Kind of God Do You Believe In?

Today, large numbers of Christians and seculars believe that modern secular science has proven the earth and cosmos to be billions of years old, and that every living thing, from fish to dogs, apes and humans, evolved from a single cell which itself is the result of chance combination of chemicals. Most believe that primordial

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Is Jesus Christ the Creator God? Genesis vs Big Bang

Russell Grigg,, 2023 The Bible affirms in several places that Jesus Christ is the Creator God. For example, “All things were made through him” [the Word, in Greek ὁ λόgos, = Jesus Christ] (John 1:3), and “For by him [Jesus Christ] all things were created” (Colossians 1:16). If this is true, we should expect to

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