Other Writers

Whatever the Left Touches it Destroys: The Banner on Boston’s Church of the Covenant and the Decline of Christianity

“These things you have done, and I have been silent; you thought that I was one like yourself. But now I rebuke you and lay the charge before you.” Psalm 50:21 Because God has not interposed openly to punish the sins committed by Leftists, they dare to imagine Him to be indifferent to sin, “such […]

Whatever the Left Touches it Destroys: The Banner on Boston’s Church of the Covenant and the Decline of Christianity Read More »

Satanic Secularism: The Political Consequences of Turning to the Dark Side

Andrew Harrod, Frontpage Magazine, 7/14/22; Reprinted From A Crooked Path It should not surprise the person alerted to spiritual realities that in an age of atheism diverse forms of the religion of Satanism have sprung up all over the world and are gaining followers at a rapid rate.” So wrote the late Catholic priest Vincent P.

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The Five Stages of Totalitarianism

Mises Wire Stage 1: Discontent and Rumblings Every new order rises on the ruins of the old. Those who would establish a new regime must tap into or generate dissatisfaction with the status quo. However much those desiring a reset may despise the old order, they can’t accomplish much without harnessing or fabricating a similar

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For Christendom: Overcoming the Spells of Dark Magic in Our Society

joshjenkins116, Taking Every Thought Captive, August 2020 There was a time in my life where I bought the line of thinking that said it was better for American Christianity to die so that Christianity could really thrive in persecution or total secularism. That was dumb. In Russell Moore’s book Onward he talked about how the cultural Christianity

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Gods of Sex

Dr. Peter Jones, TruthxChange Why is the LGBTQ agenda now proudly affirmed as a valuable lifestyle choice? Why must kindergarten children be taught how gays think and act? Why does Disney risk losing the parents of their young customers by promoting the LGBT agenda in its movies? Why are there huge annual pride parades in

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How Socialism Connects to Sexual Perversity

Socialism, like Communism and Global Transhumanism, is built on an evolutionary origin account that says everything existing came from a distinction-free, gender-free, morals-free blob of matter. In this view there is no God, only man; no right way, no wrong way, truth, no up, no down. This is why the very worst of our kind

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UFOs: Aliens From Another Planet—or Demonic Imposters?

Anthony Hart, Charisma News, 5/24/22 In a reversal of its longstanding reticence to talk publicly about UFOs, the U.S. government sent Pentagon officials to testify under oath last week to a congressional committee about unidentified phenomenon, promising more ‘transparency” into the investigation of UFOs. However, Neal Sibley, a Christian paranormal researcher and writer—who has been studying the

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Extinction Rebellion, Handmaiden of Technocracy–Psychopath Globalist Elites

ER is a prime example of what Lenin contemptuously described as ‘useful idiots.’ Useful idiots are true believers of the Big lies, small lies, propaganda (more lies), and ideological promises (more lies) spun by total control seeking psychopaths. At the top of the global pyramid are psychopaths who unknowingly do the bidding of their own

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Racism Feeds on Nihilistic Darwinism

By RICHARD WEIKART, The Stream, Published on April 29, 2022 Black History Month is a time to reflect on the great achievements of African-Americans and black Africans, while also confronting the sordid history of racism. The purpose of such reflection, of course, is to combat vestiges of racism in our society, so that we can properly love our

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I am Nature, the Mighty Mother, I am the law; ye have none other. I am the flower and the dewdrop fresh, I am the lust in your itching flesh. I am the battle’s filth and strain, I am the widow’s empty pain. I am the sea to smother your breath, I am the bomb,


Contending for the Faith in an Upside Down Post-Truth Culture

In a culture that is upside down, believers are to stand for, defend, and proclaim the truth no matter how unpopular that may be. By Abraham Hamilton III, American Family Association, Cited from A Crooked Path, April 26, 2022 In man’s continuous effort to try to supplant God’s purposes and instructions and replace them with

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Albert Jay Nock: Isaiah’s Job

Mises Institute, 6/21/08 One evening last autumn, I sat long hours with a European acquaintance while he expounded a political-economic doctrine which seemed sound as a nut and in which I could find no defect. At the end, he said with great earnestness: “I have a mission to the masses. I feel that I am

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The central role of Darwinism in the Holocaust

by Jerry Bergman, creation.com, 4/1/22 This paper challenges the common assumption that Hitler was the main driving force behind the Holocaust due to his anti-Semitic beliefs. It is well-documented that a major driving force was social Darwinism and the belief that the Aryan race was superior and had the right and obligation to prevent deterioration of

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The ‘New Normal’ and the Assault on Reason: Can This Assault On Reason and Nature Last?

By Glenn Ellmers, American Greatness, 1/15/22 Our political situation is so chaotic and strange right now that we can’t take anything for granted—including what is normal. So it’s often necessary to explain what may seem obvious to readers of American Greatness, but is regarded as strange or almost incomprehensible to other people.  For example, it is obvious

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When Evil Is Called Good

Carl Trueman, First Things, 3/3/22 Last week, three news stories threw into sharp relief the ambitions of the sexual revolutionaries who govern the United States. First, there was the predictable outrage from the usual elites concerning Florida’s Parental Right in Education Bill, which would significantly restrict the teaching of LGBTQ+ ideology to schoolchildren. Second, it emerged that

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