The Devil and Why Liberals and the Democratic Party Actively Promote Evil

in Evan Sayets’ book “The Kindergarden of Eden,” he said, “If they weren’t so dangerous and destructive, one could smile and pat the Modern Liberal on the head and tell him how cute he is and go on about the business of being an adult. But he is dangerous and destructive, with the True Believer’s […]

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The Fall of Britain: UK PM Keir Starmer blasted for extreme pro-Islam stance as Britain is overrun by Muslims

Globalist member King Charles recent official portrait shows him submerged in what looks like blood. Was he looking forward to the death of Britons, the people he hates in favor of the Muslims that he and his buddies have allowed to. overrun England? Does this stupidized man not see the approach of his own death

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Some UFO Abductions Were Simulated CIA Psychological Warfare Experiments

Arjun Walia, The Pulse, 3/23/25 Joseph Allen Hynek (was) an American astronomer, professor, and ufologist. Hynek acted as a scientific advisor to UFO studies undertaken by the U.S. Air Force under three consecutive projects: Project Sign (1947–1949), Project Grudge (1949–1952), and Project Blue Book (1952–1969). The man next to him is Dr. Jacques Vallée; more

Some UFO Abductions Were Simulated CIA Psychological Warfare Experiments Read More »

A Flawless 60 Second Summary of the Death Cult: WEF’s Nefarious Great Reset Agenda, Aired on Fox News

Wide Awake Media on X A FLAWLESS 60 second summary of the WEF’s nefarious Great Reset agenda, aired on Fox News. “The WEF is a fanatical political organisation that uses fear and manipulation, like Covid hysteria, like the hoax of global warming, to really facilitate people thinking that somehow they’re the saviours, but really all

A Flawless 60 Second Summary of the Death Cult: WEF’s Nefarious Great Reset Agenda, Aired on Fox News Read More »

Ashtar, Semjase, and Other Watchers and Dark Spirits of New Spirituality

“We are at the dawn of a new consciousness, a radically fresh approach to our life…Perhaps the best name for this new segment of historical experience is the Interspiritual Age.”  Wayne Teasdale, “The Mystic Heart” “At the outbreak of the modern era, the (gnostic) system of inverse biblical exegesis was once again activated.”  Ioan Couliano, “The Tree

Ashtar, Semjase, and Other Watchers and Dark Spirits of New Spirituality Read More »

The Progressive Satanic Revolt and the West’s and America’s Theological Crisis

Haters of God, 2 Tim. 3:2 Our war is against God and the world created by Him, declared Karl Marx, father of the Communist Manifesto. In his poem, “The Pale Maiden” he admits that he has willfully opted for Hell: “Thus heaven I’ve forfeited; I know it full well; My soul, once true to God; Is chosen for

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US Gov’t Admit Millions of Vaxxed Young Women Are Infertile: ‘Population Collapse Looms’

By their own admissions the Global Luciferian Death Cult and their comrades in hate and death, America’s own Luciferian Deep State covet the deaths of billions of people worldwide. Spiritually and symbolically the Death Cult represent the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse who do the work of the evil spirit Lucifer/Satan they worship and to

US Gov’t Admit Millions of Vaxxed Young Women Are Infertile: ‘Population Collapse Looms’ Read More »

Naturalism and Evolutionism: Science of Magic and Irrationalism

Flight From Reason In his two books, “The Occult Underground: The Dawn of the New Age” and “The Occult Establishment,” historian James Webb chronicles the rise of an occult intelligentsia as it emerged out of the Renaissance. Webb sees the Renaissance as a spiritually traumatic time in which the spiritual roots of many people were shaken free of

Naturalism and Evolutionism: Science of Magic and Irrationalism Read More »

Elon Musk’s Warning: Death Cult Intends to Destroy America, the West, and World

The dark dream of destroying the world and building a utopia on the ashes and blood of the hated old order was the dream of Karl Marx, who hated Jesus Christ with a vengeance. Like many of his death cult comrades, Marx was demonized, meaning his mind was in bondage to demons, making his dream

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A DEEP DIVE INTO UFO PSYOPS: Critical Context for Navigating the Discussion

Duke Smallhouse, Muck Raker Considering that the drone/UFO/UAP phenomenon does not appear to be subsiding any time soon, we would be remiss not to weigh in on the issue. We make no claims to be UFOlogists, amateur or professional, but a dash of common sense, open-mindedness, and healthy skepticism can go a long way. Language

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Naomi Wolf: “Phizer Tried to Kill Us, To Sterilize Us, This is Satanic

At the very top of the Globalist pyramid is the evil dark god Global Luciferian pedophiles worship. That ‘god’ is Satan, the one they call the angel Lucifer.  Globalists covet power, knowledge, vast wealth, and a kingdom (NWO) of their own.   The bargain they struck with Lucifer/Satan is this: he gives them what they

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The Supernatural God, Angels, Demons, Human Souls. Do they Exist?

According to evolutionary materialists of all persuasions, including Global Luciferian pedophiles, the supernatural God of Revelation, the Heavenly Creator who spoke everything into existence ex nihilo does not exist. Neither do angels, demons, and human souls. Like the Atomists, the ancient pagan counterparts of today’s materialists, all that exists is the natural dimension of matter

The Supernatural God, Angels, Demons, Human Souls. Do they Exist? Read More »

How the Concept of Evolution Has Warped and Negated the Meaning and Intent of Our Constitution

“over the past 130 years there have been numerous flawed Supreme Court rulings that distorted the clear meaning of the Constitution – and have greatly harmed society. Most of us are barely aware of these rulings – while their ill effects continue. Here is the alarming truth about too many Supreme Court cases over the years:

How the Concept of Evolution Has Warped and Negated the Meaning and Intent of Our Constitution Read More »

Occult Worldview: Jung, Luciferianism, New Age, Abraxas, Baphomet, and Evolution

“An official “mental health” app backed by the state of California is targeting vulnerable children with controversial propaganda involving the occult, the New Age, homosexuality, transgenderism, fornication, and more. The attack on biblical principles and precepts is clear. But critics are sounding the alarm. Under the guise of helping California teens with self-esteem and emotions,

Occult Worldview: Jung, Luciferianism, New Age, Abraxas, Baphomet, and Evolution Read More »

California Government App Advises Teens To Drop Christianity And Embrace The Occult

Alex Newman, Harbingers Daily, 2/3/25 An official “mental health” app backed by the state of California is targeting vulnerable children with controversial propaganda involving the occult, the New Age, homosexuality, transgenderism, fornication, and more. The attack on biblical principles and precepts is clear. But critics are sounding the alarm. Under the guise of helping California

California Government App Advises Teens To Drop Christianity And Embrace The Occult Read More »